When your boyfriend is talking to a girl you dislike. It’s completely natural for your instincts to be telling you that he needs to stop.
You will want her to stop talking to the person that you love and be far away from your relationship. Also, for your boyfriend to understand your feelings and the fact you don’t like her.
So what should you do when your boyfriend is talking to a girl you don’t like? Should you be worried about her and try to make him stop?
Here is what you should do when your boyfriend is talking to a girl you don’t like and ways to resolve the situation.

What To Do When Your Boyfriend Talks To A Girl You Don’t Like?
When you really dislike the girl your boyfriend is talking to and want him to stop. It can be hard to know what to do when all you want is for her to be out of your life and far away from the person you love.
Here’s what to do when your boyfriend talks to a girl you don’t like.
1. Consider Why He Is Talking To Her
The first thing you should do when your boyfriend is talking to a girl you don’t like is to consider the reasons why he is talking to her in the first place.
You need to discover how it started and what his reasons are for staying in contact with her. Is she an old friend of his, a work colleague, or someone he just happened to bump into?
Giving the situation more thought and asking yourself why he’s talking to her may help you to reveal what is going on between them.
2. Ask Him Why He Talks To Her
Talk to your boyfriend and ask him what his reasons are for talking to her. You’re looking for valid reasons from him about why he talks to her, and what makes her so important in his life.
Is she just a friend he likes to stay in touch with, or someone who’s involved in his work or career? Also, why is it necessary that they talk so often?
You need solid answers from him about why they talk and stay in touch. Pay close attention if your boyfriend gives you odd reasons or tells you things that don’t add up. As this could be a red flag there is something more going on.
3. Listen To What He Says About Her
When your boyfriend talks casually about her. Listen to what he says about her and the way that he says it. Does he only ever say good things about her and say she is “really nice” despite not ever wanting you to meet her?
Also, does he smile when someone mentions her name or actively avoid conversations about her? What he says or doesn’t say about her can offer you clues about what is really going on between them.
If you know they meet up frequently but he never wants to talks about her. This can be a sign he is hiding something from you. He might also never mention her because he’s guessed that you strongly dislike her.
4. Look For Signs There’s Something Going On
It’s important to look for any signs or red flags that your boyfriend could be engaged in inappropriate behavior towards her. Also, whether or not she is the one taking things a step too far and engaging in flirty behavior.
Even though their friendship may be completely innocent, with nothing going on you should worry about. It’s still a good idea to get to the bottom of their friendship to avoid being caught up in a lie.
After all, your gut is telling you to dislike her for a reason. She could be taking up a lot of your boyfriend’s time and you need to figure out the real reasons why.
5. Explain Why It Makes You Uncomfortable
If your boyfriend talking to a girl you don’t like makes you feel uncomfortable. You need to be honest with him and tell him the exact reasons why.
He needs to realize you have doubts about their friendship, and the fact they talk constantly is making you worry.
If he can see it’s making you uncomfortable and feel less secure in the relationship you share with him. He may decide to stop or make a change to how frequently he gets in contact with her.
6. Explain Why You Feel Unhappy About It
Do you feel unhappy about your boyfriend talking and giving attention to another girl? When him talking to her is beginning to affect your happiness, it’s crucial that he knows the truth.
Try not to bottle up your real feelings about him and her talking, or make out that it’s not a problem. Because if it is a problem, you need to tell him now before it continues and gets much worse for you.
Reveal your feelings about them talking and why it’s making you so unhappy. If your boyfriend talking to her is damaging the trust you have for him. Let him know this is the reality of what is happening so you can work on these issues together.
7. Consider Why You Dislike Her So Much

Before you tell your boyfriend why you dislike her. You first need to ask yourself this exact question. What annoys you or makes you feel uncomfortable and unhappy about her and your boyfriend talking?
Is it the fact she takes up a lot of your boyfriend’s time that could be better spent with you? Or is it because you have doubts about what them talking and their friendship really means?
You need to get to the bottom of why you dislike her before you can tell your boyfriend. However, figuring this out will allow you to give him some reasons why you dislike her and think they should stop talking.
8. Tell Him Why You Dislike Her
If you strongly dislike her. It’s important for your boyfriend to know the real reasons why. He needs to know and understand that you have valid reasons for disliking her before he’s going to be prepared to make a change.
You need to be truthful when telling him why you dislike her. The reasons need to be well thought out and not only based on suspicions or jealousy.
Give him reasons backed up by your own experiences regarding her and why it’s affecting you personally.
If you don’t like how she tries to grab your boyfriend’s attention, texts or calls him frequently, or interferes in your relationship. He needs to know this is why you take a dislike to her.
9. Convince Him To Stop Talking To Her
When the problems continue and your boyfriend is still talking to her. It’s time to try and convince him to stop and make it clear you’re not happy about it.
While it’s always going to be your boyfriend’s decision who he talks to. He’s more likely to make a compromise if he can see what he is doing is actively causing a rift between you both in the relationship.
Convince him to stop talking to her by re-addressing the problem this is causing for you. If it’s making you upset, suspicious, or even jealous. Your boyfriend needs to know this to realize it’s a problem that needs to be fixed.
10. Keep Your Emotions In Check
Try your best not to allow your emotions to rule your thinking when your boyfriend talks to a girl you don’t like. It can be very easy to get carried away or try to take matters into your own hands to control the situation.
You may think giving him ultimatums or getting angry with him will make it stop. But it’s actually not the best answer and can cause additional problems in the relationship.
Avoid lashing out at him when you’re upset or attempting to tell this girl to back off. Simply focus on communicating how you feel with your boyfriend so he can see clearly you would like things to change.
11. Seek Advice From Friends
When you really want to figure out why your boyfriend is talking to a girl you dislike. It’s a good idea to talk to friends and get advice on what is happening.
They might know the girl he’s talking to or be able to spot what is really going on between them. Close friends and best friends can sometimes have a habit of seeing situations for what they really are.
So confide in your friends and ask them to give you a second opinion on what is happening between your boyfriend and the girl you dislike. It may reveal something you’ve been missing, or make you realize it’s nothing to worry about.
12. Do Things To Take Your Mind Off Her
Keeping yourself busy is a great way to get some peace of mind, and avoid constantly thinking about your boyfriend talking to her.
When you want to escape negative thoughts, it’s important to keep yourself occupied with hobbies or interests and allow your attention to wander towards something else.
If you trust your boyfriend, you need to also trust he’s going to make the right decisions regarding this girl. So when you are not in his company, do things to take your mind off the situation and stop thinking about her.
13. Seek Reassurances From Your Boyfriend
Seeking reassurance from your boyfriend is crucial when you have doubts and worries about him talking to another girl. You need to know he only wants you, but you also don’t want to appear clingy or needy.
Talk to your boyfriend frequently about your relationship, and get reassurances about your future together.
If your boyfriend is more than happy to talk and give you some insight into where he thinks you will both be in a few months or a year’s time. This can help you get peace of mind, avoid negative thoughts, and stop worrying about some other girl.
Can I Ask My Boyfriend To Stop Talking To A Girl I Dislike?

It’s fine to ask him to stop talking to a girl you dislike, especially if it makes you feel uncomfortable or unhappy in the relationship. However, you also need to share the reasons why you dislike her and reveal why you think he should stop.
It’s always going to be your boyfriend’s decision who he decides to talk to and remain friends with. He may choose to stop talking to her because of your feelings, or he may continue despite you disliking what is happening.
In any case, you need to be honest and share your feelings or concerns with him about her. Don’t hide how you feel and tell him “It’s fine” when you think it’s not.
However, you can’t force him to stop or give him ultimatums. This verges on controlling behavior that you should avoid. Otherwise, it can throw up many red flags for him in the relationship.
Simply share your viewpoint on them talking, their relationship, and make it clear why it makes you feel uncomfortable or unhappy. Then listen to his side of the story and try to resolve the issue together.
How To Ask Him To Stop Talking To A Girl You Dislike

To ask him to stop talking to a girl you dislike. You need to first consider how it’s making you feel, then confront him with these feelings. Be open, honest, and truthful with him. You can’t force him to stop or give him ultimatums. But explaining your feelings could convince him to make a change.
When you are unhappy, upset, or uncomfortable with him talking to another girl. You need to address these feelings with him and find a good way to tell him.
There are many ways to confront him with your feelings about him talking to a girl you dislike. However, the best way to address the situation is by asking him questions and explaining things from your own perspective.
You can ask him to stop talking to her by approaching the situation with a question based on your feelings by saying things like:
- “I feel really worried and upset with you talking to her. Can we talk about this and try to resolve the situation together?”
- “I feel like she’s taking up a lot of your time. Is this necessary, or is there something more I need to know? ”
- “I can’t understand why she’s always calling/texting you all the time. Can you let me know why she does this and is it something I should be worried about?”
- “I think her talking to you is making me unhappy. Can we sit down and talk through what is happening?”
- “I’m sorry, but I really don’t like her. It’s it possible you could try to talk to her less and help me understand why you talk so often?”
- “I feel uncomfortable with you talking to her so much. Is there any chance you could stop or make a change?”
If you ask him a question and explain your feelings in this way. It will help to ensure the conversation stays constructive. He can also clearly see you’re not blaming him or making accusations based on suspicions.
Once you can engage in a healthy conversation regarding him talking to another girl. By revealing your feelings and really talking it through. It’s going to be a lot more likely that he will see it’s a problem for you and make a change.
It’s fine to ask him to stop talking to a girl you dislike. Especially if it’s making you upset or unhappy in the relationship. However, you can’t force your boyfriend to stop talking to her. It’s his decision who he decides to speak to. You need to share your feelings with him about her.
It’s completely normal for your boyfriend to talk to other girls and build other friendships. It’s perfectly OK. However, if him talking to another girl is bothering you and making you feel uncomfortable. You need to consider why and confront your boyfriend with your feelings.
Whether you should forgive your boyfriend depends on the kind of texts back and forth they were sending one another. If it’s a harmless or friendly conversation. This is fully forgivable. But it can be less forgivable if he’s engaged in inappropriate texting, flirting, or sexting with another girl.
When your boyfriend won’t stop talking to another girl, even if you’ve asked him to stop. You need to re-evaluate what is happening between them, consider your feelings, and confront him. If it’s making you unhappy or uncomfortable in the relationship. He needs to know you don’t want it to continue.