The seriously bad signs your partner might be using social media to hide things or cheat on you in a relationship.
In this new age where social media plays an ever-increasing role in how we communicate with others. It can come as no surprise that this openness or accessibility to social apps like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram can often be the downfall of many relationships.
If you ever suspect your partner of being unfaithful to you in a relationship. Then their constant use of social media will only ever count towards fueling these suspicions that they might be cheating on you.
You will often find yourself wondering who they are really talking to all the time? Or why do they spend so much time on social media while they are with you? The fact is, social media makes it very easy to be inundated with countless temptations that can often be relationship killers.
It can only take a matter of days for a harmless conversation to evolve into a serious flirting session – or perhaps even things that are surely considered the serious signs of being unfaithful like sending naughty photos or dirty messages.
The rise of social media is believed to directly correlate with recent increases in relationships breaking down. Social media makes it soo easy to start a conversation with someone new, or perhaps share feelings or thoughts in a way that can not be revealed to others.
This makes social media prime territory for anyone looking to be unfaithful or cheat on their partner. Messages can be easily hidden away or made private. Also, planned meetups can be disguised as harmless encounters and are designed simply to throw you off the scent.
You’d be seriously surprised at the lengths some people go to in order to hide or disguise their infidelity.
However, with that being said what exactly are the real signs your partner is using social media to cheat on you?
1. They Seem To Have Really Deep Conversations With Someone Else.

Do you often find your partner deep in thought and conversation with someone else on social media? Perhaps you walk into the room and they are always typing away on their phone whilst not revealing who they are talking to.
While many of these deep conversations they will get into may in fact be harmless. It will still surely pique your curiosity to know who they are truly speaking to.
Especially if you are being ignored or left waiting for them to finish to have a conversation – or they hide things and have no intention of letting you know who they are talking to.
2. They Reply To Messages Or Texts At The Weirdest Times.

When your partner starts making the act of replying to someone’s message a priority. This can often be a cause for concern. Especially if they choose the worst or most unusual times to do this.
Maybe you are on a date night together and they pull out their phone to message someone back while fully ignoring you, or perhaps put off doing important things just so they can send one last message.
[Read: 10 Phone Habits That Are Destroying Your Relationship]
In any case, when they start making their phone or social media messaging a priority over the relationship you have together. This is surely a bad sign that they must view whatever it is they are doing as the more important thing of the two.
3. They Suddenly Go To Bed Seriously Late At Night.

While many people at times can have issues sleeping, or may just generally not feel like going to bed at their usual hours.
If you ever have suspicions about your partner’s social media usage or habits. Then this sign they are happy to forgo sleep is surely one to watch for.
When they suddenly don’t join you in bed until you are asleep or actively avoid using their phone and sending messages around you late at night. It’s surely a sign that there is something going on that they are willing to lose sleep over.
It’s very common for cheaters to try to use late nights as a way to guarantee some private messaging time with the person they are talking to. They know it’s also much less likely that you will be around to question what they are up to and catch them in the act.
4. They Always Have Their Phone At Arms Length.

These days, most of us will usually have our phones with us at all times or at arm’s length. It’s a huge part of our daily lives and helps us to organize our day, stay connected with friends and family, and keep us entertained.
However, if your partner literally never lets their phone out of their sight for a second. Then this will only add to the suspicions that they are doing something on their phone and social media that they don’t want to miss out on.
[Read: Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Always On Social Media]
If they happen to be in constant conversation with someone or are sending messages back and forth. Keeping their phone at arm’s length will allow them to see notifications a new message has arrived within seconds.
It’s how they act around you when these new messages arrive which can be the true indication something untoward is happening.
If their phone makes a sound and they hide it around you, or you see them looking to see what you are up to before picking up their phone to reply. It could be a bad sign you really need to keep an eye on.
5. They Take Their Phone With Them When Going To The Bathroom Or For A Shower.

It’s not uncommon for most people to take their phones with them while taking a shower or going to the bathroom. Some people like to listen to music in the shower or read something while they do their ‘business’.
With that being said, it can become a bad sign if you already have suspicions they are cheating on you or are actively being unfaithful.
Many people who are actively cheating on their partners will use bathroom breaks or having a shower as a prime opportunity away from their partners to message or keep tabs on the person they are flirting with.
They do this because they know it’s very unlikely that you will disturb them while they are in the bathroom or while taking a shower. So bathrooms will act as a safe space within the house or home for them to hide or disguise their dishonest deeds.
6. They Get Angry Whenever You Ask About The Time They Spend On Their Phone.

When you confront your partner about the time that they spend using their phone or social media – or ask them to cut back so that they can spend more quality time with you. Do they frequently get mad, angry, and come up with reasons or excuses not to?
[Read: The Traits Of A Terrible Boyfriend You Need To Avoid]
One of the huge signs that your partner may be cheating is when they act strange or confrontational when asked about the time they spend on their phone or social media.
This is often because in their minds you are getting close to confronting them about what they are really up to.
If they are actively cheating or flirting with people online, then the last thing they would want is you paying attention to how and when they use their phones.
Guilt also plays a huge role in how they may act towards you when confronted with these questions. They might feel guilty for what they are doing, and try to weasel out of the questioning using rehearsed excuses or reasons for their constant phone usage.
7. They Will Never Let You Borrow Their Phone Or Other Devices.

Have you ever asked your partner if you could borrow their phone to search for something online, or look at the pictures you have taken together and they flat out refuse?
While privacy is a big deal for some people, and everyone has the right to keep things private or confidential on their own phones. It can be a worrying sign if your partner simply refuses to ever let you anywhere near their phone.
Cheaters will often consider nothing worse than letting you browse through their phone or happening across social media messages and notifications revealing their infidelity.
Their phone is a window looking onto all the things they have been getting up to behind your back. If this is what they are doing then there will be no single thing worse crossing through their mind than letting you borrow their phone.
Cheaters will keep this window firmly closed or slammed shut in your face. The fact is they likely have no intention of letting you look at their phone, and never will.
8. They Change Their Passwords On Everything.

One of the more common signs your partner might have something to hide is when they lock or change their passwords on all their devices.
Sure, it is certainly wise and considered good practice to frequently change your passwords on most devices to keep them safe and secure
Nonetheless, It can be regarded as strange behavior if your partner did openly share passwords with you or grant you access to their phone or laptop then you find them suddenly locking you out.
This is even more true if they never tell you what they are doing or give strange excuses or reasons as to why you can no longer borrow their laptop or phone.
Maybe it’s completely innocent, or maybe they have something to hide in their messages, social media, or search history they do not want you to see.
9. They Start Asking You Strange Questions To Make Comparisons.

Has your partner ever started asking you strange questions of the blue that seem out of character or like these questions have come from someone else? Could they be drawing secret comparisons in their head between you and a certain someone?
One of the common giveaways or signs that your partner may be cheating or flirting with somebody else online is when they start asking you weird questions about them or the relationship.
This is often because the person they are secretly talking to is telling them all the things they are wanting to hear.
They might be being told how attractive they look or are getting a serious ego boost from this other person which can inevitably spill out into your own relationship together.
They might ask you questions like “Why do you never say you think I look good!?” or “How come you never do all these things for me?”. It’s their mind’s way of drawing comparisons between you and this other secret person.
It can be a surefire sign they are getting their ego stroked elsewhere. Being told all these nice things privately can be intoxicating, which is why it can bubble over and spill out into their own expectations of you despite them being unfaithful.
10. They Begin Accusing You Of Being Unfaithful On Social Media.

It’s a common belief that most cheaters will often be the first to start throwing around accusations of you cheating or being unfaithful in the relationship.
Put simply, it’s a guilty conscience that is the driving force behind these actions and their way of proving to themselves that you must be as bad as they are currently being.
[Read: 15 Common Lies That Cheaters Will Tell You]
If they are flirting on social media, or planning naughty nights away with someone else. You can almost guarantee that at some point they will be the first ones to start throwing stones and accusing you of infidelity.
This is not ‘always‘ the case, however. Sometimes the accuser can simply be insecure or afraid of losing their partner and the prospect of being cheated on themselves – but the behavior speaks for itself.
It’s a seriously bad sign if you start being accused when you’ve done nothing wrong.
11. You Notice They Have New Friends Or Followers You’ve Never Heard Of.

When you find yourself browsing through your partner’s social media profile do you ever notice new people following them you’ve never met hidden amongst their friends and family?
A hidden sign that your partner might be using social media to cheat on you is when they start getting new social media friends or followers you do not recognize.
Sure, these could just be friendly acquaintances they have made while out and about, or at work – or even just friends of friends.
However, it can be a bad sign of cheating if your partner’s strange habits or suspicious behavior has coincided with these new people finding their way into their friends or follower list.
Surprisingly many cheaters who use social media will often overlook displaying the person they are flirting with inside their friends or follower list. If they found them on a dating app or bumped into them on a night out. They may also look to add them and connect on social media so they can continue the conversation.
12. You Notice Someone Is Liking Or Commenting On All Their Pictures Or Posts.

Is it a sign that your partner may be cheating on you if they constantly have someone flirting in the comments of their pictures, or liking every post they make?
One of the huge indications that someone may by competing for your partner’s affections is when they do everything in their power to comment on or like all their pictures and posts.
If they comment on pictures with flirty messages or immediately like any of their new social media posts. It could be a sign that someone has your partner firmly fixed in their sights.
This also becomes worse if your partner actively engages with these comments or even encourages this behavior behind your back. If your partner does exactly the same on this person’s profile. Then it could be a worrying sign of mutual attraction and foul play.
13. You See Pictures Of Them Being A Bit Too Friendly With Someone Else.

Have you found or discovered new photos of your partner on social media being a little too friendly with a mystery person – or happened across tagged photos they are in with them cuddling or being intimate with someone else?
Get your pitchforks ready, as things may have just got serious! When you spot your partner being way too friendly with someone else, and not respecting the boundaries of your relationship together. It’s seriously time to start challenging them on it.
This is especially true if they actively hide or deny these photos exist, or if the only versions of these photos you have found reside within someone else’s photo album or posts.
Why do they not want these on their own social media, what exactly are they hiding here? Is it completely innocent and friendly, or is there something more serious going on?
14. Your Friends Start Confirming Or Validating Your Suspicions.

When your best friends start questioning your partner’s behavior or frequently tell you something that seems off or not right about their strange habits. They can quite often be completely right!
Friends have a strange knack for spotting things that are not always obvious to you whilst being in the thick of things. They offer an outside perspective and can be pretty adept at spotting the behavior many cheaters will exhibit.
[Read: 18 Warning Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating]
This is usually because a cheater or someone being unfaithful will often view you as the one they need to hide things from. Forgetting the fact there are many more eyes and ears watching them and their behavior than they anticipated.
If your friends come to you with their thoughts or feelings about your partner possibly cheating, or give you information that makes you 100% certain. It’s really time to take action and get your partner to fess up and explain themselves.
15. You Catch Them Red Handed.

There is a no bigger sign that your partner is using social media to cheat on you than when you catch them firmly in the act!
You might have stumbled across their unlocked phone or laptop and discovered incriminating pictures or messages with them flirting with a mystery person – or even seen first-hand something on their social media feed that makes you 100% sure.
Either way, as heartbreaking as this can be. You have now caught them red-handed.
You now have all the information you need to pin them accurately as a cheater and a liar. Put simply, they have gone behind your back and have been in no way honest about their actions towards this other person.
It’s seriously time for them to come clean with you and answer many of the questions or suspicions you may still have about them and this other person they’ve been affectionate towards.
Only once all of these questions have been answers and any remaining suspicions have been put to bed can the relationship possibly begin to heal.
However, many relationships beyond this point of no return will often not succeed. Cheating especially over social media can take a heavy toll on any seemingly healthy or good relationship.
It’s time to decide whether the relationship is really worth the heartache, or if it’s simply easier just to recover and move on.