You begin to have a gut feeling something is not right, he’s acting strange and not himself. Is there something going on?
If you’re starting to get suspicious that your boyfriend might be cheating on you. This is already a pretty huge red-flag in itself. If you can literally feel the trust falling away from your relationship as a result of his recent actions, then it’s surely time to get to the bottom of things.
The mere thought of your boyfriend potentially cheating on you is enough to drive you crazy with worry. It’s best to take a step back and take stock on what he is really doing which could be the warning signs of infidelity.
It’s important not to jump to conclusions, but really assess the facts around what is going on. Is he suddenly acting weird around you? Are you asking him where he’s been and his answers just don’t add up?
Maybe a few of these 18 warnings signs we’ve identified that cheating boyfriends often display could lead you to the real answers, and more importantly. The Truth.
1. He Stops Taking Calls Around You.

If your boyfriend usually picks up the phone around you as soon as it rings no matter who it is. Then suddenly switches to allowing it to ring out, or actively switches off his phone when someone calls. This could be a bad sign.
Pay attention to how he reacts when he gets these calls and question him on these, or better still. Find out the number of the person calling him he’s avoiding like the plague around you.
2. Strange Or Unconvincing Body Language.

Does he start twitching, shuffling, or glance away when you question him on his whereabouts? If he’s having a hard time sitting still while you quiz him about his day then this could be a red flag.
Over 70% of human language is non-verbal. Body language is a pretty powerful social signal. So if he’s being seriously uncomfortable around you when you ask him about his day. Take note, he might hold a secret that could break your heart.
3. Locks Devices & Changes Passwords.

If when you first got together he had no issue with you using his phone, laptop or other devices while hanging out. But now suddenly has these all under lock-and-key. He’s either really concerned about identity theft and his privacy, or he’s got something to hide.
When you ask to use them or take a look, and he bats you an excuse about why you can’t anymore. Pay attention, he’s gone from being fine with you seeing into his world to now locking you firmly on the other side of that door.
4. He’s Suddenly Busy All The Time.

One minute he has all the time in the world to lay around, spending his free time with you and chilling out. To then suddenly you both barely having enough time to see each other or plan anything because he’s too busy with “this and that”.
When he says he’s helping a friend at his house or going to help his uncle with something. Can you really be sure that’s where he’s going, and does he have any proof? Or is it someone else he’s really visiting on the sly.
5. He Turns Up Late With No Excuse.

He used to be known as Mr. Punctual. Always turning up before time, and ringing ahead if he was stuck in traffic or something got in the way. But if he’s now suddenly arriving with tardiness and offering up feeble excuses that don’t add up. You should be worried.
When he says I’ll be over in 20 minutes and he arrives 2 hours later with no messages or calls. It’s time to start taking notice.
6. He Starts Dressing Nicely.

Now, there is nothing wrong with dressing nicely. Perhaps it is in fact all for you? But the simple reality is, most guys once they come out of the honeymoon stage early on in a relationship start to get a little lax in the dressing and making a continued effort to look good department.
Dressing good, smelling nice, and making an effort all fall under the category of trying to impress someone. If you can’t be sure this person is you, or if he’s even making this effort when he knows he won’t be around you. Then it’s a red flag that should be truly noted.
7. He Starts Mentioning Some Other Girl.

If you’ve been having a great day together, and start talking about the things you’ve been up to. Then out of the blue, he starts briefly mentioning some new girl he’s been talking to. It’s either completely innocent, or it’s not.
There is the possibility that it could in fact be his way of seeding the foundation of a possible breakup later on due to his interest in this “new girl” in his life. His guilt for developing feelings for someone else might be rising the surface when he blirts out things about this other girl. So pay attention to what he says, and how he acts or his body language when he says them.
8. He Becomes A Ghost On Social Media.

When your boyfriend goes from being crazy for social media, posting pictures, status updates, and commenting on friend’s posts every day, to then not posting for weeks. This is a pretty worrying sign.
Maybe he doesn’t have anything to post? Unlikely, it’s more possible he doesn’t want to incriminate himself by posting something he doesn’t want a certain someone to see. That certain someone could be you, or maybe even some other girl.
9. He Smells Different.

It’s the common belief of many women that they can actually smell if their man has been around another woman just by the scent of his clothes.
If your boyfriend comes over stinking of another girl’s perfume, or perhaps even something more telling like sweat or sex pheromones. You know for a fact, something is up!
10. You Start Getting Gifts For No Apparent Reason.

Unexpected romantic gestures from him like gifts, flowers, or chocolates could just be him trying to be a great boyfriend right? Maybe he just wants to change things up and treat you to something special, or maybe he has something deeper to hide.
Quite often when a guy is cheating, the guilt he is feeling will make him do some pretty strange things that are out of character. Buying unexpected gifts is one of these things. So if you have your doubts and notice this change in him. Try to get to the bottom of this sudden gift-giving before its a cover-up for breaking your heart.
11. He’s Different In Bed.

When it comes to being intimate in the bedroom. Everyone has their own way of doing things and knowing what we like. We all have our own bag of tricks that are developed as a couple when it comes to romantic bedroom activities. Over time we get used to these, and we probably know what to expect from our partners.
However, if your boyfriend starts pestering and demanding new activities from you in bed. You will surely notice this change in his wants or desires. Especially if he starts discovering new skills that you were not aware of.
This could be a bad sign and there is the possibility he’s learning these new lessons in love somewhere else. Find out why the sudden change, and if he’s been getting after-hours classes from some other girl.
12. He Becomes A Workaholic.

Has he suddenly started staying late at the office? Does he say he’s doing it all to try and get a promotion at work and starts mentioning a new female colleague? This should be cause for alarm, especially if its really out of character.
While it’s possible he could be aiming for a promotion, its less believable if that promotion never materializes. How can you be sure he’s not mixing his work with play also?
13. His Friends Sound Unconvincing & Avoid You.

When his close friends go from hanging out with you and him together, to actively ghosting or avoiding you like the plague. You can be sure something is up!
Quite often if someone starts to cheat or be unfaithful, they will confide in those closest to them to get their opinion or perhaps even form alibi to help hide their behavior.
If he says he’s spending the night with the guys and you quiz them but the stories don’t match up. You may have just stumbled across a bunch of guys who are as thick as thieves, and willing to cover up all their friend’s indiscretions.
14. He Over-explains Things He’s Been Up to.

If his tales about what he’s been up to feel manufactured and full of holes. It’s probably because they are.
[Read: The 15 Most Common Lies Cheaters Will Tell You]
Over-explaining is a seriously strong trait with liars and cheats. If he starts spinning you elaborate stories about how ‘innocent’ his night has been and going into every fine detail about what he got up to. He’s either the OCD type, or he’s got something to hide.
It’s time to make sure his stories and tall-tales are not a cover-up for something nefarious he’s been doing with another girl.
15. He’s Often Not In The Mood.

It’s seriously a myth that women are the only ones who use excuses to avoid sex or being intimate. Guys can do this just as much, and when it happens it’s natural to seek reassurance from them that there is not something else wrong, or going on.
However, if a guy’s libido goes from a thousand to zero it’s surely something that needs to be investigated. Why has he gone from pestering for sex, to now not being in the mood constantly or offering up excuses to avoid it?
Maybe he’s really just not in the mood, or maybe he’s getting his rocks off with someone else. Find out why his sex drive is apparently at zero and if he’s being fulfilled somewhere else.
16. He Suddenly Becomes Interested In Something New.

Your boyfriend usually lives his weeks the same way, but now he’s suddenly interested in going to the gym every day or taking up night classes for cooking or art. What gives? Is he really finding new interests to better himself, or does this sudden change in habits have a hidden meaning?
His new interests become especially strange if he showed no feeling towards them before, and even more so if he never bothered to mention them to you. Could it be that he’s trying to improve for you, or perhaps be him trying to find more alibis for spending time with some other girl?
17. He Becomes Overly Critical Of The Things You Do.

If he starts constantly call out the things he believes you are doing wrong, tells you how to dress, or suggests you change your hair. This has all the tell-tale signs he’s actively comparing you to another girl.
Guy’s who are overly critical of their girlfriend will usually have their own picture in mind for Mr’s Perfect. If he’s constantly trying to change you or mold you into someone else. It’s a red flag that suggests he’s got another girl who fits this mold lurking in the background.
18. You Catch Him Red-Handed.

You’ve caught him in the act!
There is no escaping the fact that he’s cheating if you actually catch him in bed with another girl, or find him sharing dirty photos of them together on his phone.
You’ve got the proof! It’s horrible, but at least now you know the truth without all the lies and deceit.
Finding out this way is heartbreaking, and truly one of the worst ways to find out your boyfriend is being unfaithful.
It hurt’s and will hurt for a long time. But in the end, you might realize he’s actually done you a huge favor. You don’t have to emotionally invest in this scumbag anymore and you can escape all his lies and empty words.
You can move on and find a much better guy that’s willing to be real with you. One who won’t play all the dirty tricks and mind games that cheaters do!