When you’re dating or in a relationship, your boyfriend will do many things to show you extra attention and love. He will do silly things to make you laugh and hold your hand to make you smile.
But what does it mean when your boyfriend asks you to sit on his lap?
Is this just another way for him to show you additional affection and love, or does it hold a deeper meaning for him you might be unaware of?
On the face of it, your boyfriend wanting you to sit on in his lap is just his way of getting you closer to him. However, will accepting his invitation hold the same meaning for you both, and why does he ask you to do it?
Why Does My Boyfriend Want Me To Sit On His Lap?

Your boyfriend wants you to sit on his lap because he wants to cuddle. He wants to find a way to show you love and feel you close to him. It’s also a great opportunity for him to flirt with you and display his attraction.
Many guys will ask you to sit on their lap as a good excuse to tell you something important and share genuine feelings.
However, it often depends on the situation or the circumstances for him wanting you to sit on his lap and be closer to him. He might need to feel comforted or want to receive extra attention from you.
Here are some of the common reasons why your boyfriend wants you to sit on his lap.
1. He Wants More Attention
He’s looking for more attention from you. So when he asks you to sit on his lap it’s a guaranteed way for him to get the attention he’s searching for.
Guys who are in the search for more attention will frequently do things to stop you in your tracks and subtly grab your attention.
He wants all of your focus firmly fixed on him at this moment. It’s completely innocent and just another way for him to show you how much he values gaining your attention in the relationship.
2. He Wants To Feel Closer With You
When he wants to feel closer to you, both emotionally and physically. Asking you to come and sit on his lap is a great way for him to resolve these inner feelings.
This is especially true if he feels like you might not be spending enough quality time together, or when the chances for being intimate or showing love are too few and far between.
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He wants to take a second with you to cuddle up and feel the warmth of your body in his arms. It’s a great opportunity for him to show you love, and also share his real feelings.
3. He Wants To Flirt
He might be asking you to sit in his lap because he wants to flirt with you. Flirting is not only exclusive to dating, it can happen in long-term relationships too.
When he asks you to sit on his lap and be close to him. It’s an excellent opportunity for him to give you compliments, confess his attraction, and also be suggestive about his sexual urges.
If he wants to flirt with you or give you those come-to-bed eyes. Then him getting you to lay in his lap is a great way for him to initiate and make his feelings obvious to you.
4. He Wants To Give You Attention

When he wants to give you extra attention. The most common solution for most men is to try and get closer to you both physically and emotionally.
They know that the attention many women like is when a man shows he can be present and in the moment with them. He will want to listen, have deep conversations with you, and show you extra intimacy while you sit in his lap.
Him asking you to come and sit in his lap is a great way for him to ensure you get the attention he thinks you need. It ticks all the boxes, and it’s a great way to bond or feel close with one another.
5. He Wants You To Comfort Him
If he’s been feeling down, stressed out with work, or things in his life are not going the way he had planned. He may want you to sit in his lap to help comfort him, and take his mind off things.
When he knows you have a habit of being his rock and making his problems wash away. He will often come to you for help, guidance, and advice on how to move forward.
He wants you to help him de-stress and to think about something else for a while. So you can give him the comfort and help he needs by sitting in his lap and cuddling in his arms.
6. He Wants To Comfort You
Has he noticed you’ve been having a bad day and seem to be emotionally drained? If he thinks you need a pick-me-up or a boost to make your day feel a little brighter. He may try to comfort you by getting you to sit on his lap.
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He’s looking to give you his full focus and concentrate his efforts towards solving some of the problems you are facing.
Sometimes him being close to you and offering you a cuddle along with kind words is all you really need to feel better.
7. He Wants To Tell You Something
He may want to tell you something important and share something with you that requires your close attention. When your boyfriend wants you to sit on his lap, he might have important words to say.
He could be looking to move things forward with you, share real feelings, or begin to open up to you. Give him this opportunity by sitting in his lap and listening to what he has to say.
8. He Wants To Cuddle
The most common reason your boyfriend wants you to sit on his lap is that he wants to cuddle. There may be no hidden meaning or reason, he just wants to feel you close to him and cuddle with you.
When your boyfriend is fully open to asking you for cuddles. It’s a great sign he’s bonding with you and you are both developing a strong connection.
The willingness for him to share intimate moments and show he cares about you in a relationship should not be undervalued. It’s a strong indicator of continued attraction and a sign he’s falling for you.
What Does Sitting On A Guys Lap Mean?

When a girl sits on a guy’s lap it is generally considered to be flirting, or flirtatious behavior in order to display attraction. If a girl is interested in a guy and chooses to sit on his lap. It’s a moderately intimate situation involving close contact between her body and his.
However, sitting on a guy’s lap can have multiple meanings for a girl and a guy. It can also be an act of friendship or closeness that shows she trusts the guy fully.
For a guy, the meaning of a girl sitting on his lap can also change depending on the situation, and his feelings or intentions towards the girl.
For instance, when a guy has a crush on a girl but she only sees him as a friend. If she chooses to sit on his lap. This can unintentionally send him mixed signals, and make him confused about what the girl’s intentions really are. Is she looking for friendship or more than that?
So it’s generally safer to assume that the true meaning of a girl sitting on a guy’s lap is flirtation and attraction. Unless it’s obvious that the situation and understanding make it clear that they’re just good friends, and they hold no romantic intentions towards one another.
Do Guys Like It When You Sit In Their Lap?

Yes, when a guy has feelings for a girl and she sits on his lap. He will normally like it as she is sending him the signals he wants to see. He wants closeness, and for the girl to make advances that reaffirm her interest or attraction for him.
In a romantic or flirtatious situation. The guy will like you sitting on his lap as it displays you only have eyes for him. You are his girl and your attention is firmly fixed on him.
Some guys also like a girl sitting on their lap because they see it as a sign of sexual interest. This is due to the close proximity or contact between intimate body parts when a girl is sitting on a guy’s lap.
While it’s true that not all guys like to have a girl sat on their lap, especially if they are introverted or overly shy. It’s generally considered a well-liked behavior by most guys. Especially if they have a crush or strong feelings for the girl.
Is Sitting On A Guys Lap Considered Flirting?

Yes, if a girl is sitting on a guy’s lap it is commonly considered flirting, or a flirty gesture. Unless it is clear and understood that the guy and girl are just friends, or there is no romantic interest and intentions.
Sitting on a guy’s lap is usually considered flirting because the girl is placing herself into an intimate situation with the guy. Most guys who are interested in a girl will consider it flirting if she sits on his lap.
For example, at a party, if a girl chooses to ask a guy if she can sit on his lap and get close to him. If there is a seat next to him or many other places she could sit and relax near him. He will think it’s flirtatious behavior.
Whether it is flirting or not will heavily depend on the situation or understanding between the guy and the girl. However, in general, sitting on a guy’s lap is often considered to be a very flirty gesture.
What Is A Good Excuse For A Girl To Sit On A Guys Lap?

The best excuse for a girl to sit on a guy’s lap is her being genuine with her intentions towards the guy, and him wanting her to.
There is no real need for a good excuse to sit on a guy’s lap or play games with him. You just have to find a way to initiate and ask him if it’s OK to sit on his lap. Ensure he is also happy with your advances towards him.
First and foremost, guys love confident girls. So don’t be afraid to ask him. Most people engage in shared, flirtatious activities because they both like it. So ensure there is always a benefit for both parties.
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Don’t try to fool him by pretending to trip into his lap, or tell him white lies to secretly get what you want. Just be genuine with him and also ensure he does not mind. Try not to mask or hide it if you genuinely want to be flirtatious with him.
You can try to initiate sitting on a guys lap by…
- Asking him if it’s OK to sit on his lap
- Asking him if it’s OK to talk a little closer
- Asking him for a hug, with you in his lap
- Letting him know you are interested in him
However, if you really want to give him an excuse or hide some of your true intentions. You can try sitting in a guy’s lap by…
- Saying there is nowhere else to sit
- Telling him his lap looks cozy, warm, and comfortable
- Letting him know you want to whisper something to him
- Saying you need to tell him something important
- Telling a joke like “Is this seat free?”
- Telling him you need a cuddle
While it’s always better to be truthful and genuine with a guy you are interested in. You can choose to take whichever approach applies best to the situations you find yourself in.