If your boyfriend does everything in his power to show that he truly cares for you. Can you then take it for granted that he also adores everything about you?
Sometimes it can be fairly easy to read into things, or even see more than is really there while being swept up in the early days of a relationship together.
So without actually asking him straight, how can you see the signs your boyfriend adores you or is looking to make this a long-term thing with you?
First off, there is often a pretty big difference between saying you adore or love someone.
Is Saying I Adore You The Same Thing As Love?

While both these heavily affectionate words or feelings hold a lot of the same traits or meaning as one another. Saying you adore someone actually signifies that you hold that person in the highest possible esteem.
If your boyfriend openly tells you he adores you. This is his way of telling you that he admires or worships everything about you. It displays true devotion and shows he genuinely values any time he may spend with you.
Quite often, especially in early relationships. Adoration of your partner will often come first, perhaps sometimes even before love. When falling head over heels for someone, you first have to admire everything about them.
With some guys though, it’s not always easy to tell if he adores you or not. He might hold his cards close to his chest, or at times try to play things pretty cool.
So how do you actually go about spotting the signs your boyfriend genuinely adores you?
Take a look at some of these signs your boyfriend adores you more than you might actually know!
1. He Can’t Go A Day Without Talking To You

When your boyfriend can’t go a day without sending you a message to see what your up to and frequently gives you a call late at night just to hear your voice.
It’s a telltale sign that he’s pretty infatuated with you. It shows that not only does he care for you deeply, he also adores and admires you even when you’re not together.
Going a day without talking to you is probably the worst thing in his mind. He wants you to know he’s thinking of you, and that he’s a faithful guy willing to share your burdens or stresses even when he’s not around.
2. He’s Not Afraid To Show His Playful Side

A real sign of your boyfriend adoring you is when he’s never afraid to show his playful or goofy side with you.
He might act giddy or excitable whenever you are around or even try to say cute or funny things to you just to see a smile. It’s his way of telling you he feels happy to have you in his life.
He’s also showing you he’s not afraid to look silly or goofy if it means it will have a positive impact on your happiness. He actually wants to do these things because he actively adores you.
3. His Opinion Of You Is The Only One That Matters

When your boyfriend doesn’t care what other people think about you or your relationship together. It’s his way of telling you that his opinion of you is the only one that matters to him.
If a guy actively adores someone they will often overlook much of the outside influence, and instead focus on how they genuinely feel about that person.
He’ll also quite often even ask you about rumors or other people’s opinions of you and the relationship. This shows not only does he adore you, but he holds your viewpoint in high regard.
4. He Likes You Making The Big Decisions

If you and your boyfriend have some big decisions to make, and he’s more than happy to give his opinion but allow you to make the final call. It signifies that he trusts your judgment and holds you at the highest esteem.
Decision making can be tough, even if it’s about the simple things. However, the fact he values your viewpoint and trusts you to make the final call shows that it’s yet another part of you that he likely adores.
5. He’ll Happily Overlook Your Bad Days

Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today, and are not in a good mood? If he adores you he will likely overlook it.
Boyfriends that adore their girlfriends will often look past any bad moods or mood swings. As they know what the real you is really like on a good day.
They will comfort you and do their best to get you back to being happy or in a good mood. He has a list of the things he adores about you in his head, and there is no way a bad day, or bad mood is going to get in the way!
6. He Won’t Shy Away From Holding Your Hand

If he adores you, then hand-holding or him looking to cuddle with you will become second nature to him. He wants to feel your touch and hold you close because you mean the world to him.
Adoration just like attraction can find us constantly seeking the full attention of the people we admire. The best way for your boyfriend to show this is by him reaching out his hand, and holding yours.
7. He Tells You How Much He Thinks About You

Does he text you meaningful messages when you are not together or tells you about new restaurants he’s seen just because he thinks you’ll like them?
This is a sign your boyfriend adores you, and that you mean the world to him. He wants you to always be in the loop and know about his feelings or his day.
8. He Easily Remembers The Little Things

When your boyfriend admires or adores you, remembering the little things should become easy for him. He’ll remember how you first met down to the finest detail, and even the funny or cute things you’ve done in your time together.
It shows he genuinely values any time he has spent with you. Not only that, but it also implies he is actively remembering as you move the relationship forward.
He is storing things in the memory banks because he never wants to forget! These are important milestones in his life, and you’re far more likely to remember the events or occasions spent with the people you adore most in the world.
9. He Makes You Feel Like His Equal

Does your boyfriend make you feel like his equal, and value your judgments or opinions just as much as his own? If so, this is a great sign that he truly adores you.
Guys that are prepared to hear out your viewpoint, or even admit when you are in the right are real keepers. They realize the relationship is a two-way street, and no one person’s opinion or view should never be up for debate!
10. He Frequently Looks At You

Do you ever catch your boyfriend glancing at you while you watch a movie together – or when enjoying a nice walk surrounded by beautiful scenery and he only has eyes for you?
If he can’t keep his eyes off you, then it’s a huge sign of admiration or adoration. He simply adores you and wants you to know it with his eyes.
Some guys know just how to look at in a way that can cheer you up, or simply glance at you to offer comfort or make you feel safe. If he’s one of those then he’s a real keeper!
11. His Friends Make His Feelings Obvious

Your boyfriend’s friends might make it obvious that he adores you when they openly tell you how much he talks about you.
Quite often guys who adore a special girl in their life will frequently share small details, cute stories, and funny events with others closest to them.
If the feedback you’re getting from his friends is full of cute things he has to say about you, or his friends go on about how much he gushes about your relationship. Then this can only ever be a really good sign!
12. His Stance & Body Language Change Around You

When you walk into the room, does your boyfriend quickly change his stance? Body language can be a really huge giveaway when you are around the people you have serious feelings for!
He might adjust his posture, puff out his chest, or make an extra effort to look especially masculine. In any case, any immediate sign he acts slightly differently around you is a telltale sign.
If we adore someone, we probably want to look our best around them or best the best version of ourselves. So it would be no surprise if your boyfriend adores you it would be revealed in his body language.
13. He Makes You Feel Special

Boyfriends that absolutely adore their girlfriends will often do everything in their power to make them feel extra special.
He might buy you gifts, surprise you at work with flowers or even do the little things like taking care of you while you’re unwell. All of these things add up quickly and work towards you feeling really special in his eyes.
Sometimes it’s not just actions however, even the words or things he says to you can make you feel super special. Boyfriends that know just what to say to make you feel good can put themselves firmly on the list as one of your top admirers.
14. He Always Talks About A Future With You

If he’s more than happy to talk about having a future with you or discussing the places your relationship may go in a year or two’s time. It’s a serious sign he’s got his mind firmly fixed on being with you in the long run.
When you adore someone you can’t even imagine a future without having this person in your life.
If he tells you he wants to be with you forever and is not afraid of the serious talk regarding your relationship status and things progressing further. It’s a sign he’s genuinely devoted to you and wants you to always be a huge part of his life!
15. He Doesn’t Want To Change A Thing About You

If your boyfriend openly says he wouldn’t change a thing about you, and that he loves you just the way that you are. He really means it!
[Read: The Signs Your Boyfriend Is Really In Love With You]
Any man worth keeping will fully respect and appreciate all the things that go into making you the person that you truly are. If he says this frequently, then it’s a massive sign he adores absolutely everything about you.
Signs Your Boyfriend Adores You – Conclusion
A boyfriend can frequently approach how they show you their true feelings in different ways. Some can be more vocal, whereas others may do most of their talking within their actions or body language.
However, the fact remains, even if your boyfriend fulfills only a fraction of these signs. Then it’s a telltale sign he seriously cares about you and adores absolutely everything about the real you!
Related Questions
How do you respond to your boyfriend saying I adore you?
The response to your boyfriend telling you that he adores you should always come naturally. If you genuinely adore him too, then reciprocate these feelings back to him.
If you ever feel like your response is going to be forced or not genuine. Then just level with your boyfriend. Tell him how you genuinely feel about him, or about anything that is stopping you from sharing these feelings.
[Read: Super Cute Things To Say To Your Boyfriend]
Trust is number #1 in relationships. Openness and honesty has a big role to play.
Do most girls want to be loved or adored?
Feeling adored can become a pretty big obsession for some people. While being loved is usually something which holds the expectation that it is to be reciprocated. Being adored or adoring someone can sometimes be a one-way street.
This is what makes adoration or being admired a pretty addicting experience. As you can feel the warmth or focus from somebody that may also have no expectation of these feelings ever needing to be reciprocated.
So with this in mind. It’s far easier to understand or assume that many girls would prefer to be adored and admired than they would to be loved. Seeking love from someone involves a much greater emotional connection or investment – while seeking admiration or adoration can be achieved a lot more freely.
Being adored often has far fewer strings attached, and it’s much easier to be adored by someone without running the risk of breaking their heart if you don’t share the same feelings back.
Is it ever a bad thing to adore someone?
No, not necessarily. If you adore someone it’s just another way of showing them how much they mean to you.
It will only ever be a bad thing if you adore someone that actively loves you, and they hold the expectation that you should also love them too.
What can make your boyfriend adore you more?
Quite often boyfriend’s are far more likely to adore you when you are true to yourself.
In a relationship, everyone has hidden expectations or standards they secretly hold their partners too. Whether this is right or wrong is up for debate, but the fact is it’s always secretly happening behind the scenes.
The best way to make your boyfriend adore you more is to be truly genuine. Be confident in how you approach the relationship with him and show him you are someone he would want to be devoted to. Try to always be honest about your feelings, and most important be open about how you truly feel about him.
Who knows, you might actually discover you adore your boyfriend just as much as he adores you!