What are the signs you should stop him from talking to another girl?
When you’re in a relationship with him and he’s talking to another girl. What clues should you look for to help you realize he’s taking things a step too far with her.
If him talking to another girl is making you uncomfortable and upset. It’s natural to become suspicious or skeptical when it comes to the real reasons why they are talking.
You will want to make him stop, and realize the things he is doing are becoming a problem for you and the relationship.
Here are the signs you should stop him talking to another girl.

Signs You Should Stop Him Talking To Another Girl
What are the worrying signs you should stop him from talking to another girl?
Sometimes you get a gut feeling something is going on between them, and he drops hints or clues that this could be true. But what are red flags should you look for when figuring when to stop him talking to her.
Here are the signs you should stop him from talking to her.
1. He Lies About Talking To Her
When he tells you lies to you about talking to her. These white lies can often be a sign he’s trying to hide something from you. Especially when you have proof they’re talking.
He could be lying to avoid hurting your feelings and hide the fact he’s talking to her. He could also be engaged in inappropriate behavior which goes well beyond a simple friendship with another girl.
If you know he’s lying to you about talking to another girl. It’s time to confront him with the facts and put a stop to it.
2. He Hides His Phone From You
A subtle sign you should stop him from talking to another girl is when he starts hiding his phone from you. He’ll keep his phone on him at all times, and never allow you to borrow it.
This could be a sign he’s trying to hide his texts and calls and what he uses his phone for. He doesn’t want you to see because it may reveal the true nature of his conversations with another girl.
[Read: Why Does My Boyfriend Hide His Phone? (Reasons Explained)]
When he’s hiding his phone from you and it’s obvious it is deliberate. You need to ask yourself why he does it and consider the possibility it’s because of some other girl.
3. He Answers Her Calls Away From You
When he’s super secretive about his phone calls and answers his phone away from you. Either he’s having a private conversation that needs his full attention, or he’s saying things to someone else he doesn’t want you to hear.
If he’s constantly answering his phone out of earshot of you. It could mean the person he is talking to is not someone he wants you to know about. It’s can also get worse and more worrying if he never tells you who it was, or who he talked to.
So when he’s starting to become increasingly more secretive about phone calls around you. It’s a bad sign you need to pay attention to. As it could be a clue he’s receiving calls from another girl.
4. He Starts Meeting Her Frequently
When you know he talks to another girl, but he starts hanging out with her and meeting her frequently. Is this just a good friendship between them or is something more going on?
If he’s just friends with her and you know that their interactions are harmless. Then it’s a good indication you do not need to worry. It’s perfectly fine for him to be friends or hang out with other girls.
However, if he’s constantly meeting up with her and not telling you what they get up to. Also, if he gets defensive or denies it’s even happening. This should be a sign you need to start questioning what these encounters really are. It may just be friendship, or maybe something more.
5. He Starts Pretending To Be Busy
Whenever he says he’s busy, but you know for a fact he’s just pretending. This can often be a red flag that he’s doing something he doesn’t want you to know about.
This is especially true if you see he’s active on social media or on his phone, and you have proof that what he is telling you is not the truth because he’s talking to another girl.
He may have valid reasons for saying he’s busy, or he might not. But why would he pretend to be busy and not tell you the truth about what he is doing?
Is it just because he’s not in the mood to hang out right now, or is he currently busy giving someone else his attention? In either event, if you have proof he’s just pretending. You need to put a stop to it and get to the bottom of what he is doing.
6. He Spends Less Time With You
You used to spend every day together and hang out all the time. But now that a new girl has arrived on the scene and he’s started talking to her frequently. He spends a lot less time with you.
When it feels like he’s spending a lot less time with you because of another girl. This can be a serious sign you need to pay attention to, as it could be an indication his focus is switching from you to her.
If a guy is in a relationship but is interested in another girl. He will often start to juggle his time between them both. This can lead to the girl he is currently in a relationship with beginning to question what is really happening, and want to put a stop to it.
7. You No Longer Feel Like A Priority
Feeling like you’re second to another girl he currently talks to is never a good sign. If he starts prioritizing his ‘friendship’ with her instead of spending valuable time with you. It’s time to start asking him some important questions.
You are the one in a relationship with him. So he needs to realize that you should be his priority. In the same way that he is currently a priority to you. He can’t just push you aside when some other girl starts talking to him.
You need to talk to him and make him realize what he is doing. He’s risking the relationship he shares with you for the friendship of another girl.
8. He Forgets Important Dates
If he starts forgetting important dates or milestones in the relationship such as your birthday, or anniversaries. This can be a really bad sign that his mind is wandering elsewhere, and his heart is not fully in the relationship but somewhere else.
When we love someone. We always try to remember the little things or the milestones that are important. This is seriously crucial when it comes to maintaining the health of a relationship and letting your partner know that you care.
So if he’s starting to forget and he doesn’t pay attention to important dates. It could be a sign his mind is firmly fixed on something or someone else. He doesn’t remember important dates, because he no longer sees you as a priority.
9. He Starts Acting Nice Because He Feels Guilty
Whenever he starts acting really nice out of the blue and his behavior seems out of character. It can be a sign he feels guilty. He’s overcompensating because he’s talking to or flirting with another girl.
If a guy is engaged in behavior he knows you won’t be happy with. These actions or habits will often make him start to feel guilty and be super nice to you.
When he feels guilty about talking to another girl. He might try to buy you gifts, surprise you, or just be more affectionate and romantic than normal. It will feel like he’s forcing it because he feels guilty.
More Signs You Should Stop Him From Talking To Her

If you are concerned about him talking to another girl and suspect him of doing something he shouldn’t be in the relationship.
Here are more worrying signs you should stop him from talking to her.
1. He Only Makes Plans On His Schedule, Not Yours
He only wants to make plans when it suits him, and he frequently cancels plans at the last minute. If he’s not willing to make a compromise and it feels seriously one-sided. It could be because of some other girl.
Whenever he makes you live your life on his schedule. It could be a sign he’s trying to juggle his time between you and someone else.
He doesn’t want to commit to making plans with you because he’s trying to make plans with somebody else. If this happens to be another girl he’s friends with, it’s time to start questioning what is really going on.
2. You Catch Him Stalking Her Social Media
When you catch him repeatedly stalking another girl’s social media accounts. This can be a bad sign for you especially when he tries to hide it. It could be an indication he’s engaged in micro-cheating or doing something else he shouldn’t be.
[Read: What Is Micro-Cheating In A Relationship?]
If he’s using his phone to stalk another girl’s profile and to like or comment on her recent photos. It can become seriously concerning if he tries to do this behind your back.
Are they just friends, or is he interested in her? Also, why would he try to hide it from you? These are all questions you need to ask yourself when he’s frequently checking another girl’s social media.
3. He Mentions Something You Didn’t Do With Him
Whenever he brings up a recent memory he thinks you were a part of. But you know for a fact it was not you and you weren’t even there. He’s misremembered and slipped up. He has mistaken you for another girl.
Him mixing you up with another girl in his mind can be a seriously big red flag. Especially if the thing he had thought you had done with him seemed affectionate or flirty.
He’s made a mistake by thinking you were another girl, and it could reveal more about what he’s up to than he had actually intended. If he mistakes you for someone else, it’s time to really start asking him questions.
4. He Accidentally Calls You Her Name
One of the most worrying signs you should stop him from talking to another girl is when he accidentally calls you her name.
Why would he get your names mixed up, and what does it mean?
When he accidentally calls you the name of another girl he is talking to. This should be a red flag another girl is constantly in his thoughts. It reveals he’s thinking about her, or at the very least has been in contact with her recently.
Even though mistakes can happen, especially when it comes to names. This is a little different when you are in a relationship with him and your name is the one he should always remember!
5. He Starts Accusing You Of Cheating
When you know he’s currently talking to other girls, and he suddenly starts accusing you of cheating. This can be a concerning sign you really need to pay attention to.
If he’s making accusations against you without proof and starts saying that he thinks you’ve been cheating on him. It could be a sign of guilt.
He’s accusing you to deflect or feel better about what he is doing with someone else.
It’s very common for someone who’s engaged in flirting or cheating to start accusing their partners of being unfaithful. They do it because they feel guilty, and they want to make you out to be the bad guy instead of themselves.
6. He Doesn’t Talk About The Future Anymore
If he avoids making plans for the future, and never talks to you about where your relationship will be in a few months or a year’s time. It could be a sign he’s checking out mentally from the relationship, and it could be because of some other girl.
It’s always a bad sign if he’s not willing to talk about the future anymore. But it’s worse if you think the reasons for this might be him talking to or be interested in another girl.
He could be avoiding talking about a future with you because he wants to keep his options open. If he’s not prepared to commit, and you can’t stop him switching focus to another girl. It could be time to re-evaluate the relationship and move on.
When you’re looking for the signs you should stop him from talking to another girl. It’s crucial that you pick up on his behaviors or habits that tell you that something is going on.
If him talking to her is making you concerned, worried, upset, or even suspicious. You need to get to the bottom of what he is doing, start asking questions, and figure out if he’s engaged in inappropriate behavior.
You also need to tell him how you feel and confront him with your feelings about him talking to another girl.
Whenever all the signs are telling you that something is going on, and him talking to another girl is more than just friendship.
If he lies about talking to her and is doing things behind your back.When you have proof of what he is doing. It’s time to re-evaluate the relationship and consider the prospect of it being time to move on from him.