How do you make him addicted to you, and desire nothing more than to spend every waking hour in a loving relationship with you?
While it may be easy to think that winning over the man of your dreams heart and mind may take a lot of work from you. It can actually become a lot easier once you realize some of the simple things you can do to make yourself appear irresistible to him.
You don’t need to change who you really are or become something that you’re not. It’s more about realizing how you can tap into your man’s psyche and read exactly how he views the things you are doing or saying to him.
To make him addicted to you, you need to show him that you’re independent, strong, but also not afraid to show your playful or sensual side. He’s looking for you to be yourself and expect the same from him in return. Having inner confidence is the key to becoming simply irresistible.
At the beginning of many relationships. His behavior or actions towards you can often leave you feeling confused or in the dark. You might feel like you keep second-guessing what they are thinking, or have no idea how they really feel about you or the relationship.
It’s important to know that every man will have a very different idea of the traits or behaviors that are seriously irresistible for him. However, once you realize some of the key traits that most men find utterly addicting. You’ve already won half of the battle to become your man’s dream woman.
The following tips to make him addicted to you are all about pushing the strong areas of your character into plain sight.
Your aim is to allow these parts of yourself to shine through clearly and prove just how much you care for him, also why he would be missing out if he doesn’t hold on to you tightly!
1. Be Independent

Being or appearing to hold a strong level of independence in your life can be a seriously powerful trait for many men to lust after in your character.
While this can work one of two ways, with some men liking their partner to be a lot less independent and far more reliant on them in a relationship. This desire for a woman to need them more usually stems from a place of fear, or feelings of insecurity.
The fact is being fully independent gives you a lot of power, especially in relationships. You can prove that you are fully capable of walking your own path or paying your own way by being busy with work, your life, and paying less mind to your man.
Sure, you may think being super independent or even having less time for him could damage your chances. However, this is exactly what many men claim to find seriously desirable in their partners.
He will be hooked to you, as he can see clearly that you have good things going for you. You’re a huge asset to his life, and not a liability — and it’s crystal clear to him just how much he can lose if he doesn’t hold on to you.
When you learn to be independent or strong within yourself and your own life. Many of these traits or strong characteristics can begin to rub off on him, and it makes it much easier to cultivate a healthy relationship with him on a level playing field.
You will both need some level of independence for the relationship to flourish in the long run. But being independent from the start can help you set a president for how you run your life, and help your man know exactly where he fits into things.
You simply can’t be someone who is constantly chasing after him. He needs to know that to be in a relationship with you he also needs to put the legwork in.
So proving your independence shows him that you have your own life going on, and will often make him want you far more than if you were just sitting around waiting for him to make the first move.
2. Show Your Playful Side

Never underestimate how addicting showing your playful side can be for him. Men absolutely love it when you show you can have a few laughs, create fun moments, or be spontaneous with your humor.
The fact is, it’s seriously exciting and fun to be around someone who doesn’t always take life too seriously. So this can make being playful or having a playful side one of the many desirable traits many men look for in a woman.
Being playful also has its benefits, especially in relationships or dating. It helps you to…
- Break the ice
- Ease tension
- Escape awkward moments
- Relieve stress or worry
- Build a strong bond
- Have loads of fun
- Keep him wanting more
You don’t need to be a comedic genius to show you have a playful side. It’s far more about bouncing off the things your man says or does in order to bring some real laughter and fun into his world.
Being spontaneous also plays a seriously important role. If you show with your actions that you can create fun moments, or surprise him in funny ways he could have never imagined. You know right then and there that you have his full attention. He’s hooked on you!
Aside from trying to be more playful, which can come naturally to some more than others. The main thing to realize is that your man is looking for moments that immortalize you in his mind.
So when looking for him to be fully addicted to you there is no better way than imprinting happy, fun, and joyous memories in his mind. This will give him more reasons to want more, and more importantly make him miss you like crazy!
3. Keep The Conversation Flowing

A strong foundation for any good or healthy relationship will rely on the ability to have clear communication coming from both you and him.
While at the start of most relationships, many conversations may revolve around your life, your and dislikes, or the things you simply love doing. It’s important that your communication with him develops well beyond this point.
Conversations that are interesting or multifaceted with a wide range of free-flowing topics, questions, or interests are a great way to gain more of his attention.
It’s also a great excuse for you to receive a greater glimpse into his thoughts or feelings on all things including you, and an opportunity for him to feel safe or fully comfortable opening up to you.
Guys who find it very easy to break the ice with you, or feel happy to put themselves in a more vulnerable space while in conversation with you will find these situations addicting.
[Read: The Signs Your Boyfriend Truly Adores You]
They want to know you’re someone who they can fully open up to, and also someone they can hold a deep conversation with about their life.
Doing all these things and proving to him your willing to go well beyond one-dimensional conversations and advance into the deeper topics are a surefire way to get him to commit.
Put simply, he will miss you and having these conversations with you. This will be clear when you’re not face-to-face and he keeps the conversation going over text or by calling you.
4. Don’t Make Everything About You

When you are trying to make him addicted to you or the things you say or do. It’s important not to make absolutely everything about you and your needs or wants.
If you approach a relationship with him or getting him to commit like it’s a one-way street. The relationship is often doomed to fail from the very start.
You need to know that despite you having a certain level of expectations from him in the relationship, whether these are hidden or in plain sight. He also has these feelings of wanting to be desired, loved, and cared for.
When you approach conversations with him and make it all about you, or only ever talk about yourself. He will quickly start to read into things, and wonder where exactly he fits into this picture.
One of the major turn off’s for many men is when the woman they are dating or in a relationship with only ever appears to talk or care about themselves.
To get him to commit, or feel utterly addicted to being around you. You need to make sure he knows you care for him. He wants to see you asking for him to open up, or simply discuss his day or the things he’s been up to.
Sure, independence from him is important as you have your own life to live. But ensure he doesn’t just think it’s all about you and that any chasing from him will go unnoticed.
While dating, many guys will read self-obsessed behavior as a sign they should run for the hills. Simply because he might feel like there is no room for him in your thinking or perhaps views it as yet another sign you’re nowhere near ready to commit to him.
So don’t approach a relationship with him while already being in a full-blown relationship with yourself. Show him you have space in your heart and mind for a loving relationship with him. This is exactly how he will know that chasing you will be more than worthwhile!
5. Show You Care For Him

Showing you really care for him can have some seriously powerful consequences when it comes to winning over your man’s heart. It’s not only about asking him how he feels, or how his day is going. But instead taking it a few steps further.
When a man knows you can read how he’s feeling just with your eyes, or you know just how to put a smile on his face when he’s feeling low. This can send a strong signal to him that you care and are responsive intuitively to his needs.
One of the most common pitfalls for a man, when they are in a relationship, is when they believe their partner doesn’t know how to be nurturing. They might say things like “She doesn’t know how to take care of a man” or “Why do you never seem to care how I’m feeling?”
While these views may be entirely wrong or one-sided and based mostly on what they see other couples doing. Any way you look at it, you don’t want your man to be making these comparisons in the relationship.
[Read: 12 Things Men Always Want From You In A Relationship]
Showing you care for him is not just about being a shoulder to cry on, or listening to his problems in life. It’s about being a reassuring voice in his life who can motivate and inspire him even when he’s not having a good day.
Proving you can be there for him even when the cards are down, with late-night calls or nurturing morning text messages all play their part in proving to him you can be caring and dependable.
It’s the little caring moments you give to him that matter most. These will stack up and become a huge influence on how he views you, and the possibility of a long term relationship with you. He now knows you’re someone that cares about him deeply.
6. Reveal Your Sensual Side

If you really want to make him addicted to you then revealing your sensual side is going to be near the top of the list of things you should be doing for your man.
Revealing your sensual side might on the face of things sound tricky or complicated, but it really is not. It’s simply about showing you can be receptive to his needs, wants, or desires. Or even go out of your way to instill the desire in your man.
Your use of words, and how you look or appear when you are saying these words can be a powerful tool at your disposal. If you know just how to dress or what to say to get his imagination running wild then exploit this as much as you can.
The fact is he’s actively looking for these signals from you. He wants to know you admire or desire him too, and also that you are prepared to make a special effort on his behalf.
If you’re not currently a couple, but want to get him addicted to you and make him yours! Try some of the following ideas:
- Send him flirty text messages about how good he looks.
- Greet him like you’re already a couple with a warm embrace.
- Always wear an outfit around him that drives him wild.
- Call him to intentionally leave thoughts in his mind.
- Be playful with him, hold hands, and speak with your eyes.
- Don’t be afraid to leave him wanting more. (He might like the chase!)
If you are currently in a relationship but want to increase your man’s desire for you and reveal more of your sensual side. Here are a few of the ideas you might want to try:
- Keep the honeymoon period passion going.
- Send him naughty texts to make his imagination grow wild.
- Greet him like you’ve not seen him for years, every single day!
- Call him to introduce the idea of a romantic evening for two.
- Get psychical with touching, messages, and after-hours activities.
- Openly discuss your desires, likes/dislikes, and be adventurous.
- Take control and be fully confident in your actions.
If you can achieve only a handful of these ideas to reveal more of your sensual side to your man. It will go a long way towards showing him how much affection you have for him – and quite often these feelings will be reciprocated in return!
7. Respect Him And Demand Respect In Return

Building a strong level of respect for one another can play a huge part when you are building the foundation of any relationship.
If you can show you fully respect him, but can also earn his respect in return. It will show you are someone who is fully capable of respecting his boundaries, while also setting your own.
Loyalty is born in a relationship when two people are fully capable of respecting each other fully. When you can prove you respect his values, wishes, or dreams. It can send some seriously strong signals to him that you’re a real keeper!
When you are trying to make him addicted to you. This simply cannot happen without first building a certain level of respect between you and him.
If you respect his needs to have some time for himself or encourage him to go and hang out with friends instead of you. It will display to him you’re fully able to make compromises and it helps you to greatly increase the trust and respect in a relationship.
If you fail to respect each other or hold an expectation that he should only respect you. It’s a recipe for disaster. Respect is earned and not given freely, the same as loyalty or trust.
When he feels like you don’t respect him, he will have a very hard time respecting you in return – or even meet your desires for him to be loyal or trust you.
The bottom line is, no relationship can ever flourish or be successful without mutual respect, trust, and loyalty. Failing or falling short of any of these three things is a one-way ticket to a breakup or him losing interest.
8. Don’t Be Afraid To Show Emotion

Never be afraid to show your emotions around the man you care about deeply.
It can be believed that showing your emotions around someone you are interested in or in a relationship with is a bad thing – but this could not be further from the truth.
There is nothing worse than allowing your emotions to pile up inside and never giving yourself a chance to release them.
However, despite this and everyone experiencing emotional moments, or feelings in entirely different ways. The best way to approach things is just to express yourself.
Share your feelings and emotions with your man, and let him know you trust and appreciate him being there for you. You don’t need to pile it on him all at once, but instead, just work towards being more open around him.
If you’re feeling stressed or down, discuss it with him. If he’s done something that made you feel good or bad, express these emotions with him. The more you do it, the easier it will become.
He needs assurances that he’s the only guy who’s shoulder you want to cry or laugh on – so never be afraid to appear vulnerable or have vulnerable moments with him. It’s endearing and most good guys would feel lucky or honored to see this side of you.
Your emotions should never be viewed as a turn-off or something you should never reveal to a man.
If you ever meet a man that doesn’t like seeing your emotional side or simply hates having a heart to heart with you. Then he’s probably not the guy you should be focusing on, as it could be a sign he’s nowhere near ready to commit!
9. Be Confident Around Him

It’s very easy to say “Confidence is key” or being super confident around the guy you like is the surefire way to his heart. But in reality, appearing to be confident or having inner confidence in yourself can be a tricky task.
Everyone is different, we approach situations differently, and we all have our own way of letting our inner confidence shine through.
While you may think it’s mostly about the man seeing your absolute confidence when you are around him. It’s actually far more about you yourself having a great sense of inner confidence or belief in yourself.
When you have a strong sense of confidence in yourself, or your ability to approach people and hold an attention-grabbing conversation with them. Then you will always stand a far greater chance of winning over your man.
If he notices that you can keep a conversation flowing, talk with your eyes, and give him all the social cues he needs to develop a further interest in you. It’s almost a guarantee that you will have his full attention moving forward.
[Read: The Signs Your Boyfriend Is Really In Love With You]
However, don’t lose part of yourself in an effort to appear confident. Put simply confidence cannot be forced or faked. It’s often a learned behavior and something you should develop or work on overtime.
There are many things you can do to boost your confidence through the roof. Spending spa weekends with friends, being social, expressing yourself, or taking up interesting hobbies all have a knack for boosting your inner confidence.
Also, if you are focused on just one man. Your confidence will grow each and every time you are around him. Early on in relationships, it’s not uncommon to still have nerves or feel on edge about what you say or do around him.
However, the more time you spend together the more comfortable and confident you will become. Just be genuine, build confidence, and never fake it!
10. Be Yourself And Encourage Him To Do The Same

Being yourself and fully encouraging him to do the same can have a seriously powerful impact, especially early on in any flourishing relationship.
While the saying “Be yourself” might sound pretty cliche or something you’ll often hear friends and family telling you to do. The fact is they tell you this because it actually works.
If you are trying to make a man addicted to you, or find you simply irresistible to be around. Proving to him that you can be yourself, or you reveal parts of yourself which are completely genuine can go a long way towards winning over his heart.
This is especially true if you make him feel like he can do the same. If he’s fully happy to be himself around you, or he can open up freely and discuss sensitive topics, or things that make him feel vulnerable.
This all helps to build trust, loyalty, and a belief that you are the right girl for him. It will also make the relationship between you both evolve into something focused on mutual respect.
If you can both be yourself around one another, discuss your lives, stresses, good times, and the bad. This will build a bond between you both that will be seriously hard to break.
So be yourself and encourage him to do the same. If you want him to be completely and utterly addicted to you, then nothing short of you being genuine to yourself will do.