Can You Have a Crush on Someone You’ve Never Met?

Is it possible to have a crush on someone you’ve never met face-to-face?

Yes, it’s totally possible to have a crush on someone you’ve never met before. While some may argue that you can’t truly know someone until you meet them, a crush is defined more by your own feelings rather than the reality of knowing that person deeply.

A crush is an intense but usually short-lived romantic feeling or interest in someone. It’s characterized by idealization, obsession, and longing.

You can develop these intense feelings for someone you’ve only ever interacted with online or seen from afar, for example:

  • Celebrity crush – Getting a crush on a famous celebrity or public figure you’ve never met like a musician, actor, influencer, or politician.
  • Fictional characters – Having strong feelings for a fictional character from a book, TV show, movie, or video game that you connect with.
  • Online friends – Developing a crush on someone you met through online gaming, forums, social media, or chat rooms but not in person.
  • Classmate/co-worker – Having a crush on someone you see regularly at school or work but have not interacted with.
  • Barista/waiter crushes – Getting a crush on a barista, bartender, waiter, or service worker who serves you regularly but you don’t know.
  • Guy/girl next door – Having a crush on someone you regularly see in your apartment building, neighborhood, or street but haven’t spoken to.
  • Dating app crushes – Developing an unrequited crush on someone’s dating app profile that you match with but haven’t met up with.
  • Online admiration – Idolizing or crushing on an influencer, blogger, artist, or online personality you follow without knowing.
  • Idealized past crush – Catching feelings again for someone you had a past crush on but lost touch with years ago.
  • Mysterious strangers – Getting a crush on someone with an alluring, magnetic energy you keep seeing out but don’t know.

So while it’s absolutely feasible to have a crush on someone you have yet to meet in person. Knowing why we develop crushes on strangers can reveal some of the reasoning behind these emotions.

Keep reading, as we go over some of the key reasons we get a crush on someone we’ve never met, the signs it’s happening, the risks involved, and tips for managing your crush on a stranger.

Can You Have a Crush on Someone You've Never Met or Talked To

Why We Develop Crushes on Strangers

There are a few key reasons we can crush hard on someone we’ve never actually met:

  • Projecting an idealized version – When you don’t know someone, it’s easy to project your fantasies and an idealized version of who they are. You fill in the gaps with your desires.
  • The mystery and thrill – There’s an intoxicating sense of mystery and thrill in liking someone unattainable. This person feels just out of reach which can increase the crush intensity.
  • Connecting online first – With online dating and social media, we’re increasingly connecting with strangers online first. You can feel emotionally intimate before ever meeting.
  • Looks and perception – If they are very attractive or seem to have an attractive personality or lifestyle at a distance, this can spark an initial crush even without knowing the person.

So in many cases, a crush from afar is based more on projection, ideals, and physical appearance than the actual person.

[Read: What Is A Crush? Signs & Meaning]

This is why these types of crushes often don’t lead to long-term relationships, even if you do eventually meet.

Signs You Have a Crush on Someone You’ve Never Met

Wondering if that person you have never met and admire from afar is actually your crush?

Here are some key signs:

1. You Think About Them Constantly

Catch yourself daydreaming about them throughout the day? Do thoughts of them distract you from work or school life? This is one of the classic signs of a crush.

You can’t stop thinking about someone you’re crushing on hard, even if you’ve never talked.

2. You Want to Know More About Their Life

Finding yourself scrolling through their social media and online presence for a glimpse into their life? Wanting to know the details of someone’s day is indicative of a crush. You’re investing emotional energy.

3. You Idealize Them

You put this person on a pedestal, only seeing their positive traits. You ignore or downplay any flaws or negative details you might learn about them. This black-and-white thinking is common with crushes.

4. You Feel Nervous or Flustered About Potential Contact

If the idea of running into them or having to talk to them makes you feel giddy and nervous, it likely means you’ve got a crush. Thinking about meeting them and having a chat with your crush raises your heart rate.

5. You Feel Jealous if They Show Interest in Others

Even though you don’t know them, feeling irrationally jealous when they display interest in someone else or date other people can signal a crush. You feel territorial over someone you have no claim to.

6. Your Mood Depends on Their Online Activity

Do you feel an instant mood boost when they post something new or let down when they’re less active online? For those with online crushes, their posts and activity levels greatly impact your emotions.

7. You Stalk Their Online Activity

This ties into constantly thinking about them. If you’re always checking in on their social media accounts, watching their posts closely, and following their online interactions closely, you most likely have a crush.

8. You Imagine Scenarios Together

Catch yourself fantasizing about finally meeting them or envisioning date scenarios or a future together? Imagining potential romantic outcomes is a clear crush sign, even if you’ve never spoken.

9. You Want Their Attention

Do you post things online hoping they’ll notice you and react, or find yourself seeking ways to bump into them or meet them finally? Wanting their attention points to a crush.

Potential Risks of Crushing on a Stranger

Before you let that online or stranger crush consume you, be aware of the potential downsides:

  • Fantasy vs. reality – There’s often a stark disconnect between the fantasy version you crush on and who they actually are when you meet them.
  • One-sided – They have no idea you exist, making the chances of reciprocation unlikely until you actually interact.
  • Over-investment – Spending too much time and thought on someone you don’t know can lead to over-investment emotionally.
  • Disappointment – When you do finally meet, the reality is unlikely to match the dream which can lead to disappointment. Don’t put them on a pedestal.
  • Misplaced feelings – Having intense feelings for someone unattainable may indicate you’re channeling feelings or unmet needs that would be better directed elsewhere.

The takeaway? It’s perfectly normal and common to develop an intense crush on someone you’ve never actually met. But be wary of over-investing and letting the fantasy overtake reality.

Sometimes stranger crushes are better admired from afar. If you do meet eventually, go in with realistic expectations rather than idealization.

Tips for Managing Your Stranger Crush

If you find yourself with an unrelenting crush on someone you’ve never met, here are some tips to manage it:

  • Recognize it’s mostly fantasy. Don’t over-invest or obsess.
  • Focus on their flaws and imperfections too, not just the positives. This can reduce idealization.
  • Widen your social network and dating options. Having other prospects can reduce the intensity.
  • Limit social media stalking and contact. This can prevent deeper unhealthy attachments from forming.
  • Channel the energy into self-improvement goals instead. Improving your own life is more productive.
  • Date others. Even if you eventually meet, don’t put your romantic life on hold in the meantime.
  • Find outlets for your emotions – writing, art, exercise. Don’t let an illusory crush consume you.
  • Give it time. Intense crushes often fade on their own if you starve them of attention. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Final Thoughts

Having a crush on someone you’ve never met in real life is more common than you might think. While you may idealize them and obsess over their social media, remember to keep the crush in perspective.

Don’t over-invest yourself emotionally in someone you don’t actually know. That said, a stranger crush can be exciting and meaningful in its own way.

It can drive self-improvement and reflection. If you do end up meeting someday, go into it with an open mind and realistic expectations.

With the right mindset, you can enjoy the rush of a crush on someone unattainable while focusing on your real-life relationships and goals.

Just don’t lose yourself in the fantasy and ignore reality. With balance, even an illusory online crush can be an interesting life experience.