There are some really great guys out there if you know where to look. However, figuring out what a guy is really like on a first date or maybe even after a couple can be an emotional rollercoaster.
Your full focus while dating him will revolve around how he is acting, or what he happens to say to you. If a guy is being sweet, thoughtful and really cares about getting to know you more. Then this surely ticks some of the major boxes for someone you might consider dating further.
However, there are those guys out there that you might happen to go on a few dates with, and they really rub you the wrong way.
Something about them seems really off and they might be showing you without realizing the big warning signs of getting into a relationship with them.
Guys like many other things come in different types and varieties, its no secret. They all have their own little quirks or unique traits. Their personalities can vary a lot, but quite often say soo much about them as a person.
Knowing some of the types of guys you should probably avoid dating at all costs will save you a lot of headaches, or perhaps even heartache down the road.
Let’s take a look at some of the types of guys you should avoid dating as best you can. Just say no to bad dates and bad relationships!
1. The Ladies Man

If you happen to be dating a guy who believes he’s gods gift to all women, then stop right there!
He likely thinks he’s built up something of a reputation with the ladies or takes great pleasure in telling you about his past escapades. This should be a massive red flag for you. When he thinks he’s a ladies man it’s surely saying soo much about his personality or perception of himself as a bit of a player.
Guys that do this while dating will never be prepared to offer up their full attention to you. They are also likely to be constantly on the prowl for the next girl to chat up or flirt with under your nose, and they might even make sure you know all about it!
2. Mr. Mansplainer

When a guy takes great pleasure in constantly undercutting you in conversation, or correcting the things you say in some kind of jokey way. It’s a bad sign that he thinks he’s Mr.Right and you’re always Mrs. Wrong.
While its probably not right to label any guy as a consistent mansplainer, its no joke to you if while you are dating that this is what it really feels like all the time.
Many guys actually believe its an attractive trait to have while dating someone. They believe it makes them look confident or assured in the way they approach conversation or people in general.
However, what he says to you and how he treats you while dating can have a profound impact on how you feel about continuing things with him.
If all he can do is joke around and accuse you of being wrong, or over-explaining the right way to do things then it’s probably a good time to turn tail and run!
3. The Serial Cheater

Once a cheater, always a cheater as the saying goes… If the guy you are dating has a history of being a serial cheater in his past relationships, then this should be a pretty big no-no when it comes to dating him.
Of course, you might get into things with him and begin dating without truly knowing the extent of his past relationship history.
However, if you do happen to learn of his past indiscretions or find out about some of the times he’s cheated in the past. This will only cast a shadow of doubt over why you are dating him in the first place, and make you think things like “What makes me any different to his ex’s?
Habits are seriously hard to change. If cheating has always been an option for him in every relationship he’s ever been in. You will really need to consider if it’s worth the drama down the road, or if he’s actually the type of guy you should avoid to save yourself from heartache.
4. Sir. Blowing Hot & Cold

On one day he’s sending you messages every minute about how he can’t wait to meet up or see you again, and the next few days he’s not even available or too busy to respond.
Quite often referred to as the “Flaky Guy”. These types of guys, while you are dating them, will blow hot and cold constantly. It’s not like you’ve ever done anything wrong either, they will just give you attention one minute and be gone the next.
Sure, there could be a number of factors that go into a guy giving you lots of attention, then pulling away. But while dating and figuring out if he’s right for you, you are always on the lookout for signals from him that “He is the guy for you!”
If his hearts really in it, and he’s not just dating you as something to do when it suits him. He should have no issue making time for you each day to put your mind at ease and perhaps show you a little bit of intimate caring and attention.
Guys that are blowing hot and cold from the get-go, will likely carry this over into any relationship they happen to get into. Save yourself some trouble and avoid them!
5. The Brains Of The Operation

You won’t need to tell him how smart you think he is or make comments about his intelligence because it’s something he will make clear from the start.
Guys that consider themselves to be super intelligent may well be just that, but it’s not something to flaunt around constantly while you are trying to date someone new.
Sure, they might have loads of facts to give you or bring up some great conversation, but the truth is intelligence can only ever get you so far. It’s about the whole package. If a guy’s intelligence overruns their personality or makes it hard to get to know the real them. Then it can be something of a turn-off.
There is nothing wrong with being smart, as knowledge is power. But if this is your only power, and you leave behind all the other aspects that make you a great future partner. Then your dating lifespan together will be pretty short-lived.
6. Mr. Chameleon

We call them Mr. Chameleon’s because they are the types of guys that while dating you that will try to mold themselves to your entire life.
They will do everything in their power to make sure your interests & life dreams align with theirs and even go as far as taking up the same hobbies as you just to have an excuse to talk about them.
The thing is, while this is not always a bad thing. You’re likely looking for someone new and exciting with a different life and perhaps different interests to you overall. You are not looking to date a mirrored version of yourself.
There is a big difference between being highly compatible with someone and being very alike based on your life or interests. Sure, you can be pretty alike with the same life background or some interests. But nobody wants to date an exact clone of themselves.
7. The Closed Book

If you are dating a guy who is constantly a closed book. Then it’s likely you will only ever feel as if you are scratching the surface when it comes to learning anything new about him or his life.
When a guy is very good at holding his cards close to his chest if you try having or making small talk or getting into deep conversations with him. It will feel like an uphill battle constantly.
The simple fact is, something is making him hold back from you. There is likely a reason he doesn’t like revealing much about himself or his life. It’s going to be your decision if you want to be patient enough with him to stick around and wait until he’s happy to start opening up!
8. The Eye Candy

He looks soo good and he knows it. And so does everyone else in the room!
When your dating a guy who could be considered some serious eye candy, you need to be cautious. Not because of how good he looks as this will only ever be pretty apparent, but how he acts about it and treats you because of it.
If he’s all too aware that girls are lining up to start dating him. Then this could actually impact the period of time you are in fact “Lucky enough in his eyes” to have a shot at dating him.
If he’s treating dating you like a bit of a fling, or short term thing then it most likely will be. He might look good on the outside but it does not mean this beauty stretches as far as his heart.
Find a guy that has his heart focused on you from the beginning, not his alluring charm and pretty eyes!
9. The Bad Boy

With a reputation that probably follows him around like a shadow, bad boys can also be bad news for you if you ever consider dating them!
Yes, we’ve all seen how popular TV culture has framed the bad boy as the desirable rogue who you’ll always struggle tying down, or want to change for the better.
But the truth is, you most likely can’t and it won’t be a challenge you take on with love being the end result you were hoping for.
A bad boys reputation has been built up over years, not months and days in most cases. So that’s really something to consider if you’re going to begin dating them and think he will just change overnight for your sake.
He likely bad to the bone, and not willing to make a compromise. Which are two big red flags for anyone looking for a long-lasting relationship.
10. The Wandering Hands Man

Okay, so you’ve met a nice guy and you go out for or a few drinks on a first date. You’re having a great night getting to know more about each other from across the table and everything is going smoothly.
Then out of the blue, he starts moving around the table closer to you and starts grabbing at your waist or stroking your hair and trying to be more intimate. No-no-no slow down sailor!
“Don’t mistake the signals or me having a good time as a cue for my consent to get more inmate right away“. This can be a huge turn-off and sometimes completely kill the vibe of the date together.
He’s gone from Mr. Nice Guy to Mr. I can’t keep my hands to myself in what seems like seconds. Look for a guy who’s not afraid to ask permission before touching you, especially in the early stages of dating or on first dates!
11. The Party Animal

Life is one big party and there is nothing they can ever take too seriously. If your dating a guy that could be considered a bit of a party animal then we’ve got some bad news for you.
He will be a serious challenge to tie down, and not willing to make changes or compromises for you if they get in the way of his lifestyle.
He’s also likely got a social circle that’s bursting at the seams with new friends, new or acquaintances. So you’ll also be pretty lucky if he ever has time for you.
Sure, there are times in life you just need to let your hair down and have a bit of fun. But if a guy only ever wants to drink and have a good time. Then it should be obvious that finding love is always going to be taking the backseat for him.
12. Mr. Attached

If a guy is already in a relationship, or maybe is even married. Then no-no-no, stay well clear of all that drama that is looming on the horizon if you get involved or date him!
Sure, he might turn on the charm or get you to believe he truly wants you. But the fact is, if that were really true, he would not be currently in a relationship in the first place while telling you all this.
Attached guys should be a no go. You may have likely caught him on an off day, or during a rebound, but his heart and mind are firmly stuck with some other girl.
Have his other half’s feelings at the forefront of your mind. How would feel in that position if the tables were turned and you found out your guy was going behind your back with someone else.
Unless you want to invite a tidal wave of drama or nasty labels being placed on you into your life. Its one to be avoided like the plague!