How do you genuinely know if your boyfriend or the guy you are dating just isn’t cut out to be in a long term relationship with you? While it takes two to tango, the telltale traits of a terrible boyfriend in the making can become more apparent the longer the relationship goes on.
In the beginning, he might have seemed like your knight in shining armor who was sweet, caring, and prepared to drop everything just to be with you. But now he’s morphed into something that is unrecognizable and hard to pin down.
While most boyfriends can take a while to settle into the goings-on of most relationships, or start to reveal their true colors and intentions of the relationship as a whole.
Is it a bad sign when you start seeing changes in your boyfriend’s behavior and the way they are treating you?
What actually are the traits of a terrible boyfriend and how can these be spotted or avoided?
Even though most bad boyfriends can do a pretty good job of masking their true feelings, or making it seem like you are the root cause for most relationship problems. What are the giveaway traits of a truly terrible boyfriend?
1. He Can Be Kind One Minute And Cruel The Next.

When your boyfriends being sweet and romantic one minute, and cruel or vindictive the next. It’s a sign that he’s willing to be fairly inconsistent with how he treats you or your feelings.
If he’s only ever nice to you when he wants something. Then becomes mean or uncaring when he doesn’t get his way or what he wants. This can be a bad omen for your relationship together as it’s him starting to reveal his true colors.
2. He Belittles The Things You Show The Most Passion For.

If you have some seriously big passions in your life or things you love to spend your time doing. Your boyfriend should only ever understand why you love doing them and support you all the way.
However, if your boyfriend actively belittles you for taking joy from hobbies or interests and even tries to stop you from doing them. Then this is really not a good sign. It’s his way of showing you he’s really not willing to accept your obsessions or passions.
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He’s also very unlikely to show any interest in them to better understand them for himself. Terrible boyfriends will often try to change the person they are in a relationship with to meet some kind of hidden expectation they have of you.
3. You Get The Feeling He Is Unwilling To Make Any Commitments.

Making commitments are a huge part of ensuring any relationship can work and flourish in the long run.
If he’s actively putting up relationship roadblocks and making excuses about why he can’t plan for the future. It’s a sign that he’s just not willing to commit to you.
He likely has other plans in his mind, or his wandering eyes have seen opportunity elsewhere. Either way, if he’s seriously not willing to make any form of commitment to you and the relationship. Its likely time to get him to lay his cards on the table or simply walk away.
[Read: 9 Surefire Signs Your Boyfriend Is Really In Love With You]
4. He Always Acts Selfish And Self-Centered.

One of the main traits of a terrible boyfriend is that they are seriously selfish or self-centered. They will rarely ask you how you are doing, and never be willing to listen to any of the problems, stresses, or strains you might be going through in your life.
The fact is they only care about themselves and will often make you chase them around or ghost you if they don’t get their way. The question you should ask yourself would be is this really worth your time and effort? Is it worth always being seen as second-best in your boyfriend’s eyes?
5. Showing Emotions In His Eyes Is A Weakness.

When your boyfriend views you being emotional, sad or wanting to vent your true feelings as a weakness. This is a severely terrible trait for him to be revealing to you, especially early on in the relationship.
Everyone, no matter who they are should be allowed to express their true emotions. This far better than keeping it bottled up and is in no way a weakness.
However, if your boyfriend expects you to always suppress your true feelings or doesn’t want to hear about your problems. This is a bad sign for the relationship in the long run, and it’s him masking the fact he really doesn’t care about how you feel.
6. Your Friends Keep Telling You He’s Bad News.

Some of the best advice you can receive about your relationship can actually come from your best friends. Just like your parents they are often protective of you and know you well enough to spot when something is severely off about your relationship.
Friends have a knack for spotting terrible boyfriends, and they will often tell you straight to your face when they think something is not right about him. If they keep telling you he’s bad news, or the way he treats you does not seem right.
Then take this advice on board. There might be something in these words of advice you are missing as it’s coming from a place of kindness. Your friends will often only ever have your best interests at heart.
7. He Only Wants You For Your Sex Life Together.

If your boyfriend is only after you for your body, how you look, or your sex life together. Then its a signal that he likely has no intention of committing or involving himself in the rest of your life.
Guys that only show up or make an effort when there is the chance of a romantic encounter together are usually bad news. He doesn’t really want a relationship, he wants a booty call.
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Terrible boyfriends can have a habit of masking their true intentions well. They can say all the right things to you or seem like they really care. When in fact their real goal is only ever to get lucky with you.
8. He’s Constantly Closed-Off And Never Opens Up To You.

When your boyfriend is constantly a closed book and never opens up to you about his true emotions or feelings. He’s either shy and reserved or its a calculated decision.
Guys who blankly refuse to open up because they think you’re not worth their time are seriously bad news. He’s simply not willing to meet you halfway emotionally in the relationship.
It could be coming from a place where he feels he is better than you or the relationship. So as a result he feels his time would be wasted when investing anything for you on the emotional level.
You need a guy who is willing to open up or work past his insecurities with you. Don’t settle for a boyfriend who is a constant mystery.
9. He Goes Out Of His Way To Make You Feel Anxious Or Affect Your Mood.

Have you ever been in a great mood and everything is going well for you? Only for your boyfriend to take pleasure in knocking you down emotionally or making you feel anxious?
Terrible boyfriends frequently have the habit of taking pleasure from others’ misery. While they might not always display these traits, they will still on occasion take great delight in making others feel bad. Namely the person they are in a relationship with.
If your boyfriend can’t stand to see you in a good mood or does his best to belittle any achievements or goals you’ve accomplished. Then it’s a surefire sign he seriously does not have your best interests at heart. He doesn’t want to see you happy, or perhaps only wants any happiness in your life to come from him.
Traits Of A Terrible Boyfriend – Conclusion
While many of these traits can reveal themselves in most boyfriends from time to time. It’s important to know that if your boyfriend displays these traits or habits frequently. He might just be a terrible boyfriend in the making.
A boyfriend should be someone who genuinly cares for you and your feelings no matter the cost. He should be willing to make commitments to you and open up about how he truly feels about you and the relationship.
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You want a guy who can bare himself to you emotionally and reveal more parts of him for you to fall in love with. You’re not looking for a guy who’s a constant mystery or who’s willing to ghost and ignore you when they don’t get their way.
Avoid terrible boyfriends at all costs. Be with a guy who can love you and everything about you. 💖