Going through a breakup can be difficult enough on its own. But when your ex decides to make things even worse by spreading lies about you and the details of your breakup, it can feel like it’s adding insult to injury.
So what should you do when your ex is spreading lies about your breakup? Don’t retaliate or engage. You should discreetly set the record straight with mutual friends and family and limit contact with your ex to prevent further lies. Also, document incidents in case you need to dispute claims later.
Finding out that your ex is bad-mouthing you to mutual friends, family, coworkers, or on social media is upsetting. Their lies can damage your reputation, relationships, and self-esteem.
It may make you want to lash out in response. But taking the high road is usually the best policy when dealing with a vengeful ex.
You should seek emotional support from loved ones, practice self-care, and be patient – the truth usually prevails eventually.
If your ex’s lies continue and there is no end in sight to the lies they are spreading about you. As a last resort, you can consider taking legal action or seeking legal advice. But avoid public battles.
Stay classy and take the high road, maintaining your integrity. That’s the best long-term strategy for overcoming an ex’s lies.
Keep reading, as we’ll share some additional tips and actionable steps to take for dealing with an ex who’s spreading lies about your breakup.

How To Deal With Your Ex Spreading Lies About Your Breakup
Here are actionable steps to take when your ex is spreading lies about your breakup:
1. Don’t Engage or Retaliate
As tempting as it might be, avoid engaging with your ex or trying to “set the record straight.” Getting into a back-and-forth will likely just escalate the situation and fuel their hurtful behavior.
Rising above their actions shows maturity and class. Don’t stoop to their level by talking badly about them or spreading rumors yourself. This could make the situation worse or even prolong what they are doing.
Take the high road and focus on living your life with integrity. Eventually, their lies will catch up with them.
2. Let Friends/Family Know the Truth
Even if you don’t want to engage directly with your ex, you may want to discreetly share your side of the story with mutual friends, co-workers, or family who have heard your ex’s lies.
Give them a factual account of what really happened in the relationship and breakup. Make it clear you don’t want to speak poorly of your ex, but you want to set the record straight about false accusations or rumors.
Ask supportive friends to also help share the truth with others discretely. Just stick to facts, not opinions. Getting embroiled in a “he-said, she-said” drama will not help your cause.
3. Limit Contact with Your Ex
To avoid giving your ex ammunition, limit contact with them as much as possible going forward. Keep interactions civil but brief if you must communicate.
Don’t share personal details about your life or feelings with them now that the relationship has ended. This info could potentially be used against you.
Avoid seeing your ex in person or engaging on social media where lies can spread quickly. Block them if necessary. The less contact, the less opportunities for lies.
Also, if you limit contact or block them on everything, they have no way of telling how these lies are impacting your life. As your ex may only be doing this to provoke a reaction from you.
4. Document The Lies
Keep a written record of any concrete examples you learn of where your ex has lied about you or the relationship. Note dates, what was said, and who was present or told these lies.
Having documentation can help demonstrate a pattern of false statements in case you ever need to dispute their claims. But avoid obsessing over the situation or exactly what was said.
5. Seek Support
Get emotional support during this difficult situation by confiding in close friends or family. Venting can help relieve stress. Lean on your support network to build yourself back up when you feel hurt.
You may also consider speaking with a counselor or therapist. They may provide professional guidance on coping with a vengeful ex spreading lies, managing stress, and rebuilding your self-esteem.
6. Focus on Self-Care
Make an extra effort to take care of yourself physically and emotionally during this stressful time.
Get plenty of rest, eat healthy meals, and exercise regularly. Pursue hobbies and activities you enjoy to lift your mood and boost your confidence.
Practice self-compassion. Don’t beat yourself up over this situation that is out of your control. Remind yourself of your positive traits and truths. Seek professional counseling if you have serious trouble coping.
7. Be Patient
Try to be patient and not obsess over your ex’s smear campaign. In most cases, lies tend to blow over eventually once people recognize the falsehoods.
In time, your ex will likely move on and the lying should stop.
Continue living your life with integrity. Eventually, the truth has a way of prevailing. Don’t justify lies by reacting negatively.
With patience, most former friends and acquaintances will recognize your ex’s lies for what they are – a desperate attempt to deal with the breakup by making you look bad.
8. Consider Legal Action as a Last Resort
In extreme cases where the lying is persistent and highly damaging, your only option may be to take legal action. Things like filing for defamation, slander, or libel could be possible options depending on the laws where you live and the things available.
However, bear in mind this should only ever be a last resort. Court or legal battles can be lengthy, expensive, and open you up to public scrutiny.
Weigh the risks and benefits. Always seek legal advice from a professional to understand your rights. Cease and desist letters from a lawyer may also help stop lies.
What Should I Do if My Ex Keeps Contacting To Stir up Drama?
If your ex keeps reaching out to you in order to stir up drama or spread more lies, you need to be direct in setting boundaries.
Make it clear you only want to communicate if absolutely necessary. Don’t engage in any lengthy conversations or respond to hostile texts/calls. Avoid giving them details about your personal life.
Politely but firmly tell them their lying and drama is unacceptable, and you will not enable it. Request that they only contact you regarding essential matters like dividing assets or legal issues.
If they are harassing you, don’t be afraid to block their number, social media, and email. You have no obligation to endure their mistreatment. Ask them to stop contacting you.
It may help to give them less ammunition by limiting what you share online as well. Make accounts private and don’t post details your ex could twist. Surround yourself with positive influences instead.
Don’t justify their provocations with long defenses. Disengage and maintain your composure. Your calmness and boundaries will help defuse the dramatic energy.
If your ex refuses to respect requests for limited contact, you may need to take further action. But avoid escalating the drama yourself at all costs. Be the mature one and they will eventually stop when they see they can’t upset you anymore.
How Do I Stop Obsessing Over What My Ex Is Saying?

It’s understandable to feel preoccupied over the hurtful lies an ex may be spreading about you to others. But obsessing is not productive and will only make you feel worse.
Here are some tips to stop fixating:
- Vent to close friends or a counselor to help get the frustration out. Don’t bottle up your feelings.
- Pursue fulfilling hobbies and activities unrelated to the situation. Stay busy and engaged with life.
- Focus on goals that build your confidence and bring you joy. Achieving those can help overcome hurt.
- Remind yourself the truth prevails in time. The obsession will pass. Don’t dwell on hypotheticals.
- Limit contact with your ex on social media or in-person to reduce opportunities for lies.
- Every time you catch yourself obsessing, intentionally shift your thoughts to something positive.
- Consider seeking professional help from a therapist if you can’t stop ruminating.
- Be patient and understanding with yourself. Healing takes time. Self-care helps accelerate it.
- Trust in your support network. Lean on loved ones to help relieve stress when needed.
With diligence, the obsession over your ex’s lies will lessen. Stay strong and keep your integrity intact. What they say now won’t matter in time. You’ve got this!
What Should I Do if My Ex’s Lies Are Impacting My Reputation or Work Life?
Having an ex spread lies about you is bad enough in your personal life. But it can be especially detrimental if those lies start to impact your professional reputation or standing at work.
If colleagues, bosses, or clients seem influenced by your ex’s lies, you need to politely address the situation. Set up a meeting to calmly explain your side and refute any falsehoods with facts.
Show any evidence you have that counters their claims if needed. Make it clear you want to resolve this diplomatically and get back to work. Avoid bashing your ex.
You may also need to limit contact with your ex to prevent further damage. Block their number, social media, and email. Send a cease and desist letter if the lying persists.
Get legal advice from a professional regarding steps like potential defamation claims. Consult your company’s HR department about addressing harassment or false rumors in the workplace as well.
Stay professional and keep performing your job duties diligently. In time, lies are recognized. But take active steps to protect your reputation and livelihood.
How Long Will It Take for My Ex’s Lies to Stop Impacting My Life?
There is no set timeframe for getting past the damage caused by a vindictive ex spreading lies after a breakup. It could be a few weeks to or months before the truth finally prevails.
It depends on the nature of the lies, how widely they are circulated, and how you choose to respond.
In most cases, the worst impacts tend to blow over within a few weeks or months as people recognize the falsehoods surrounding the lies or your ex moves on. But for persistent exes, it could take 6 months or longer depending on the situation.
The key is remaining patient, preserving your integrity, and focusing on self-care in the meantime. Avoid obsessing over what your ex may be saying or trying to justify it.
Stay classy and stick to the facts when addressing the lies discreetly with those who matter. Eventually, the truth prevails.
Consider seeking counseling to cope healthily with the anger and hurt. Surround yourself with positive people and pursuits.
While it may seem endless, know that your ex’s lies cannot control your life forever. Have confidence that your character and truths will shine through over time.
Stay strong, take care of yourself, and keep moving forward on the high road. The impacts will diminish as long as you maintain perspective.
Final Thoughts
Getting caught up in a messy “he-said, she-said” battle with a lying ex will only make you look bad in the long run.
Avoid retaliation and remain calm and classy. Let the people close to you know the truth discreetly. Limit contact with your ex, take care of yourself, lean on friends for support, and be patient.
The lies will blow over in time as long as you take the high road. Focus on living your life with integrity, even when others don’t.
Key Takeaways
- Don’t retaliate or engage with your ex’s lies and rumors. Take the high road.
- Discreetly set the record straight about the breakup with close friends/family. Stick to facts.
- Limit contact with your ex to prevent opportunities for more lies.
- Document incidents in case you need evidence of a pattern of false statements.
- Seek emotional support from friends, family, or a counselor during this difficult time.
- Make self-care a priority – get rest, exercise, and pursue hobbies that bring you joy.
- Be patient. In most cases, lies blow over once recognized or your ex moves on.
- As a last resort, consider formal action like a cease and desist letter. But avoid public battles.
- Maintain your integrity and class, even if your ex doesn’t. Living well is the best revenge.
- The truth usually prevails in time. Stay strong and keep your head held high.