How to Make Him Smile After a Fight? (Find Out How!)

Fights and arguments are an inevitable part of any relationship. Even the healthiest couples have disagreements from time to time.

The important thing is how you handle the situation after the dust has settled. Making your man smile after an argument can help diffuse tension, reconnect, and get your relationship back on track.

So how do you make him smile after a fight? After a fight, don’t force the issue right away. Give him space to cool off, then make the first move to reconnect. Send a thoughtful apology text taking ownership for your part. Use humor, inside jokes, and lighthearted messages to ease the tension. Compliment him and remind him how much he means to you.

To make him smile with you after fighting you can plan something fun you can do together to bond again. Have an open conversation face-to-face when he’s ready. Don’t rehash the argument – focus on conflict resolution and how to communicate better going forward.

Wipe the slate clean and give the relationship a fresh start or new outlook. With love and maturity, you can get past disagreements and put a smile back on his face.

How to Make Him Smile After a Fight

Ways To Make Him Smile After a Fight

No couple wants to stay stuck in post-argument bitterness. Once tensions from the disagreement have lessened, it’s important to get your relationship back to a happy, smiley place.

Here are some of the ways to make him smile again after a fight:

1. Reflect On The Disagreement

Before trying to make him smile, take some time to reflect on what caused the fight in the first place.

Was it over something petty or more serious? Did you play a role in escalating things? Was there a simple miscommunication?

Try to understand both sides of the argument so you can address the root issues.

2. Give Him Some Space

Men often need a little time and space to cool down after a heated exchange. Don’t try to force a resolution or his forgiveness right away.

Let your man decompress and process his thoughts before attempting to reconcile.

However, don’t give him the cold shoulder either. Send a simple text to let him know you’re there when he’s ready to talk.

3. Make the First Move

When you sense he’s had some time to calm down, reach out and make the first move. Even if you don’t think you did anything wrong, take the high road and break the ice.

Send a thoughtful apology text taking ownership for your part. This will demonstrate maturity and set a positive tone.

4. Use Humor to Lighten the Mood

Laughter is one of the most powerful tools for transforming a negative situation into a positive one.

After giving a sincere apology, inject a bit of playful humor to get him smiling again. Text a funny meme, witty gif, or inside joke. Poke fun at the silly argument you had.

Use humor to show him you’re eager to move on.

5. Remind Him How Much He Means to You

One of the best ways to melt away anger and hurt feelings is to remind your man how important he is to you.

Send a sweet text about how much you care about him. Compliment his best qualities. Share a special memory together.

[Read: How To Make Him Miss You After A Fight?]

Reassure him that your relationship matters more than winning an argument. Speak from the heart.

6. Appeal to His Interests

Every guy has certain passions, hobbies, and interests that put a smile on his face. Use your knowledge of what excites him to thaw out the cold shoulder.

Does he love sports? Send him a video highlight of his favorite team. Is he a foodie? Make a reservation at that new restaurant he’s been dying to try.

Tailor your efforts toward things that make him happy.

7. Send a Thoughtful Gift

They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. A thoughtful gift can also help get you back in his good graces.

Cook his favorite meal and deliver it to his door. Order some decadent desserts from his favorite bakery. Have flowers delivered with a sweet note.

Select a gift that shows you were thinking about him and what he likes.

8. Plan a Fun Activity Together

Shared experiences are one of the best ways to reconnect after an argument. Plan something fun you can do together to get your minds off the disagreement.

Get tickets to see his favorite comedian or musician. Surprise him with a romantic couples massage. Arrange a weekend hiking trip or bike ride.

Quality time together will help you bond again.

9. Let Your Actions Speak for You

Rather than just apologizing, show him you’re sorry through actions.

What gestures might help cheer him up?

Do some chores he hates. Run an errand for him he’s been putting off. Make his favorite homemade meal.

Any thoughtful act that saves him time or brings him joy will speak volumes.

10. Give Him His Space if Needed

Sometimes men need more than just a little time to cool down after a fight. If your efforts to reconcile are still being met with the cold shoulder, don’t take it personally.

He may need more than a day or two to work through his feelings. Give him space for a few days without following up.

Let him know you’re available when he’s ready. Have patience and understanding.

11. Talk Face-to-Face When Ready

While texts, calls, and gifts can help break the ice after a fight, the most meaningful reconciliation will happen face-to-face.

When he’s had some time to cool off and seems more receptive, arrange to meet in person.

Be sincere in your apology and let him share his feelings. Maintain eye contact and have an open conversation to understand each other.

12. Focus on Resolution, Not Who Was Right

When meeting to talk through an argument, don’t focus on who was right or wrong. That will only lead to more bickering.

Instead, talk about how you can prevent similar fights going forward. Discuss ways you can communicate better as a couple. Compromise where needed.

Shift the focus to conflict resolution.

13. Give Your Relationship a Fresh Start

Finally, the best way to make your man smile after a fight is to give the relationship a fresh start. Wipe the slate clean. Tell him you don’t want past arguments hanging over your heads and you’re ready to move forward stronger.

Agree to forgive, forget, and start fresh. A renewed commitment to each other will bring you closer together.

Final Thoughts

Disagreements and fights are going to occur in even the most loving relationships. Don’t let a heated argument do permanent damage to your bond. With some time and space to cool down, efforts to inject humor and positivity back into the dynamic, and sincere communication, you can get your romance back on track.

The most important thing is to not let resentment build up. Address the issues, talk it out, compromise where needed, and make a joint commitment to move forward stronger than before.

Learn from the experience and grow together. With a few thoughtful gestures and affectionate reminders of why you make such a great pair, you’ll both be smiling again in no time.

At the end of the day, reminding your man how much he means to you and how important your relationship is will go a long way.

Reignite the spark by planning fun activities together or reminiscing about your best times as a couple. With love, maturity, and a shared willingness to work through disagreements, you can make him smile after a fight and build a connection that lasts.